While some girls are super happy when guy is falling for them and considers them as “the one”, seems other girls can consider same guy’s admiration and compliments bothering and even foolish. Why it is so?

I mean such girls don’t mind to have such guys as friends, but they could find compliments overwhelming in some conditions.

I was told such girls don’t like when guys consider them as love objects, but they appreciate if they are treated as strong personality.

How should I treat such women? I know one which is making fun of married guys but on the other side she actually is interested for marriage according her words.

  1. just got accept it, a girl is either attracted to you or is she isn’t. worst thing is to appear desperate and overwhelm her with attention and compliments.

  2. Don’t shower girls with compliments. It makes them uncomfortable. If you see something worth complimenting them on, maybe a piece of jewelry or you saw them doing something cool then go ahead an compliment. Otherwise reserve compliments for occasions that really warrant them.

    Think of it this way. If you kept getting compliments over and over again you’d get tired of it. You might start to wonder if the compliments are even sincere. And no one like insincere compliments.

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