Hello , im a 29m and talked to a girl in the gym 27f and we started seeing each other for a week and we liked each ither then she told that she is goin on a vacation to her family so i suggested driving her the half way between and staying 3 days together in an hotel since we only met like for a week and wanna strengthen the bond between us , because she will be gona for a long time . we went and everything was ok we only kissed and cuddled ( no sex ) after i came back and she went , first 3 weeks we were texting alot everyday and slowly it started decreasing which i domt mind becuase i know that she is in another country ….etc .and then she was telling me that she cant return till she pay her rent and stuff and that she need money and she will get the money from the social help when she gets there , but i didnt offer to help and i wouldnt give money to a girl idk, and i didnt think she would accept my money because she was too proud , then she was starting to totally ignore which is also ok but after that all of the sudden she asks me to borrow money and i told her no and i told her how could u ask me for money and we dont even have a bond. and yeah i forget to tell that she used to always tell me that she has health issues but never told me what and then i told her u asking me for money and i dont even know what health issue u have , and here she told me she has cancer and she will be fine 100% in half a year and she spent all her money there on the treatments and then i said im sorry but still u should have planned everything before u go and she was pissed and told me (that u wanted to have sex and kiss me even before u know me but giving money u need to know her lol) exactly what she said and i told her that dating is about those stuff and should i give money to every girl i date or what , yes so i told her i know 98% i will not see u again and i coulhave lied and said that i dont have money because im not rich or something but i didnt lie i just told her straight away that i woulndt give u .
So for me guys im pissed that she even ssked me for money because i didnt expect her like this and believe me i have a good sense of people i know that she wouldnt wanna scam me or something but still.
And btw i help her mentally in encouragin her to find an apartment and i went to see apartment for her when she wasnt there and even filled papers for her so i help supported her mentally and physically but didn’t financially

Yesterday she told me that im not attractive anymore for her because she was in trouble and i didnt help so what u all think .
I fell 2% guilty but would love to hear ur opinions thank,,,..


  1. Can you add punctuation? I can’t make much sense of this very long run on sentence.

  2. Cut contact and move on. She isn’t stable enough for a relationship and all of this seems really fishy.

  3. She is taking you for a ride to get money. If you believe her, could I get £1000 please? I will definitely give it back.

  4. This 100% sounds like a scammer or gold digger. She also sounds like even if this was all true she was just traveling around the world with no plan to be able to afford her life. That is atleast as much pure irresponsible actions as bad luck. Probably much more just bad actions.

    There is no way you should give her a dime. In fact I bet if you contacted her and offered to speak to her landlord she would find 10 excuses to not let you.

  5. You barely know this girl and she is asking you for a big sum of money, then getting angry and acting like you are being unreasonable when you refused.

    Surely she has close friends and family she can ask for help rather than the man she’s been dating a few weeks?

    Her cancer claim sends up red flags too. Yes she could be telling the truth but it’s strange how she only mentioned it when you refused to lend her money (to make you feel guilty) and never brought it up before. And now she is away on a long holiday – surely if she has cancer she will be having frequent medical appointments and hospital stays, so has she ever mentioned her treatment at home, let alone organising her regime in a foreign country?

    She has scammer written all over her, sorry.

  6. Let her get her money from one of the other guys she’s scamming. She though the meetup was all that was necessary to convince you she wasn’t a catfish.

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