i have been with a girl from a month and she always tells me she can’t convince herself to trust me, she had bad past experiences and she is afraid that i would break her heart, i told her i will wait so that you can gain trust and i also told her that i would introduce to her parents when i will go home in May. But she is scared that i will break her heart, she says she loves me but isn’t fully convinced, What should i do to gain her trust, please help, i can’t lose her because she is very honest and caring and i love her very much. Please help

1 comment
  1. Give her time. It’s been a month. I have trust issues also, and it took me about 5-6 months to trust my current boyfriend 100% despite me loving him very much. The key here is showing not telling. Just be as honest and caring to her as she is to you and give her time to build that trust. If she says she loves you it means she’s unwilling to leave you, so don’t worry so much about that, but don’t be afraid to talk and ask about it when you’re worried. I think you’re both good at communicating, which is half the success! I believe in you.

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