Hi there, how do couples deal with libido differences and sexual drives, as sex is such a crucial part of a relationship (in my opinion at least). I (24F) have always had a higher sex drive than my partner (26M), and so we tend to only have sex once or twice a week, which is ultimately leaving me feeling unsatisfied and always wanting more from him. He has low libido, and is usually states he is very tired as he has a difficult job, and even if he does want sex, he will fall asleep. Its hard because I find myself having to satisfy my sexual needs myself, and it feels wrong, as I want it from him. He has told me before he has a higher drive in the morning, but we rarely spend mornings together as he leaves for work very early. Sometimes i think expecting too much from him, but would love some advice on compromise or any advice in general. Thank you.

  1. There’s generally three paths for a libido difference to play out:

    1. Couple communicates openly about issues, both sides resolve to work together to find a solution that works for both parties.

    2. Couple doesn’t communicate openly or communicates openly but nothing changes, resentment builds. Marriage / relationship ends.

    3. Communication either happens and agreement never comes to fruition, or no communication happens, unsatisfied party stays with there partner and is never satisfied.

  2. A compromise will be you accepting a little less and he giving a little more. Maybe on the mornings he doesn’t work and you have more time for each other. And he will have to step outside of his morning comfort zone and give it to you when you’re ready❤

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