What’s a “poor man’s” version of something that actually works surprisingly well?

  1. Poor man’s air purifier. Take a $15 box fan from Walmart, one of the big square ones and a matching size HEPA filter. tape the filter to the back of the fan. Those fans move quite a bit of air, and the fan has to pull the air through the filter. It’s improved indoor air quality anywhere I’ve put one.

  2. Duct Tape bubble wrap to your windows for Poor Man’s Double Glazing. You get the privacy filter for free!

  3. If you slip a plastic bag between the box spring, and the mattress; it feels just like a real dishwasher.

  4. poor mans woodworking tools tend to be pretty fucking great actually.

    paul sellers has a bunch of vids how to make several.

    but in general it refers to wooden bodied tools everone thinks are thrash. wich are secretly really fucking good at what they do, theyre just finicky to learn.

    my intire toolkit basically exists of restored stuff everyone thought was trash because the blade was rusty and dull and the wood looked old. fuckin stuff outpreforms most new tools, untill you start paying ridiculous prices for them.

    i think the most ive ever payed for a piece was 17 bucks for a metre long jointer plane i ended up shortening because it didnt fit on my flattening table. fuckin thing is a beast and itl eat european oak for breakfast. makes nice flat surfaces too, barely any finishing needed afterwards.

    hell i even have a small coffin plane wich will take a 2 mm cut without complaints (my workholding fails if i try to make it take more).

    dont scuff at them lil beaties

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