So there is this guy in my class who i find quite interesting and i actually want to be friends with but i heard he is going to switch classes next week. We’ve had a couple conversations before but its only occasionally and straight up asking if he wants to be friends still seems out of nowhere. Is there any other way to do this while still seeming subtle about it? from our previous conversations i know he lives on a farm and isnt really the creative type and thats about it. I also have his number from the class groupchat. Please help.

1 comment
  1. Who cares if it’s out of nowhere? Only you. Don’t be subtle. Be open and authentic. Everyone appreciates not having to guess about your intentions.

    “I heard you’re switching classes, but I enjoy chatting with you. Let’s keep in touch. What’s your number?”

    But seriously be open and authentic about your feelings. It’s the number one tip I’ve learned about making friends or getting people to like me.

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