I know a guy who spent $45 to be apart of a speed dating event. Personally that’s feels like a rip-off. I get that these events cost money to setup and there’s really isn’t a price that I can’t afford. But it doesn’t sit well with me that I’m spending that kind of money without having something physical/guaranteed in return.

I know dating apps are mostly free, but they have their own problems.

At what price does an event become not worth paying for?

  1. Man it’s the same as paying for a subscription on an app. Should try out the speed saying it sounds fun lol

  2. That’s about the cost of two cocktails, and while I wouldn’t pay it myself, I don’t think it’s outrageous.

    > without having something physical/guaranteed in return

    Technically you’re guaranteed face time with a bunch of women/men that are likely interested in meeting someone to date, rather than being treated as a digital piece of meat

  3. Seeing your message and getting a feel for your attitude I would never let you pay for anything on a date…

  4. > it doesn’t sit well with me that I’m spending that kind of money without having something physical/guaranteed in return.

    Welcome to be a guy… dates are generally anywhere between 50$ to 150$ (and this is expected of men by most women) so 45$ is pretty much one of the not very expensive dates not a bad price.

  5. It’s not really that much. You’re basically having multiple first dates in one night for that price .

  6. It was about $20 to partake and drinks on top of that – this is a big city outside London in the UK.

    Seemed worth it too me – I got 1x strong drink (as I was driving home – nursed the hell out of it) and quite honestly left feeling fairly good about myself. I don’t think I was the ugliest or most boring there – definitely not the most desperate looking – sharpened my social skills and although didn’t get anything from it – in forms of getting laid or a relationship. I did get a mild ego boost – which goes a long way for me.

  7. Something physical?

    What, like a tshirt?

    Most of these event entrance fees come with a couple of drink vouchers so you could subtract the value of those and maybe feel a little better about paying for a chance to meet women without having to go through the issues that come with approaching a stranger in the wild.

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