Hi, I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months and we’ve been doing pretty well, we meet each other in 2021, but ever since we started dating, she’s been worried about our ages, she says that she doesn’t feel comfortable or fine knowing that, we started dating at 16 and 18 (me and her), and just the other day shes been thinking to break up and just be friends for that reason, she says that she doesnt feel comfortable or good about or ages, at first she used to say that its not that bad but now she think it can be, i just turned 17 this month (january), she is 18 but soon in the year (september) she will be 19 by the way we both finished high school last year and this year we will start college (in a different one), she still loves me but that issue makes her doubt a lot, I’ve been thinking about telling her to wait until next year so I can be 18, but I don’t know if the age issue is a real problem, so what do you think guys?

TLDR: the age difference with my girlfried is that bad and a real problem?

  1. You are 17 and 18. There is no age gap. Your girlfriend doesn’t turn 19 for almost an entire year, so I’m not sure why you’re trying to say she’s 19 now.

    But if it bothers her that much that she doesn’t want to continue to date, there isn’t really anything you can do. It’s not like you can be older.

  2. It’s not a huge difference but at your ages it can feel it. It also might feel odd to her being the older one with that difference. If she decides she’s uncomfortable with it not much can change that I’m afraid.

  3. It is wrong. A 17 year old shouldn’t Be with a 19 year old. If the roles were reversed and you were a 17y/o girl in a relationship with a 19 y/o male people would be saying it’s predatory. A 17 year old is still considered a minor & you already stated you won’t even be 18 until next year so you must’ve just turned 17?

  4. I think it’s not much of an objective issue…but it makes her uncomfortable, and she is ultimately the arbiter of what she wants in a relationship.

  5. I wouldn’t worry it about it ok. You’ve only been dating two months and you are 17 and 18 right. Statistically thus relationships is going to be over by Easter anyway 🤷‍♀️

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