I didn’t expect in the first place to get along with the sociable groups, i don’t get invited to things by the nerd/loner groups either. They hang out without me and we don’t talk about it too often. I have mentioned it once or twice but they ignore me. We have fun in school but rarely if ever hang out outside of it. However it seems i am the only one with a positive outlook on life while they talk about how depressed they are and how pointless life is.

I have been like them once and understand what they are going through, i have resolved my demons so to say and am in a much better place. They also struggle with family issues like divorced parents which just perpetuates their sadness. It is kind of hard to find other people with the same positive outlook when my peers have been gripped by the dark claws of nihilism.


Any similiar experiences people of reddit?


Tl;dr Perpetual Outcast?

  1. You should look into volunteering with a charitable organisation or something like that, people usually get involved with these things because they want to make a positive contribution to the world, not sit around being depressed.

  2. I’ll break down a few things in your post and you can decide what sounds more realistic/if you think your friends are actually your friends or not.

    >i don’t get invited to things by the nerd/loner groups

    Have you tried inviting them to do stuff? Have you asked if you could come to stuff that you know is happening? There can be a lack of communication, sometimes people will just get in their car and go to their friend’s house. Things can look a lot more purposeful and excluding in retrospect.

    >However it seems i am the only one with a positive outlook on life while they talk about how depressed they are and how pointless life is.

    There’s a thin line between having a “positive outlook” and just being fake happy, not letting someone vent when they want to vent, or even giving someone advice/problem solving *when people want to just vent and don’t need advice*. I don’t know what’s happening with your or their outlooks but presumably that’s a big enough mishmash of outlooks that you might not get along long-term.

    > It is kind of hard to find other people with the same positive outlook

    Bro you’re young. Go to the gym, pick up a sport, pick up a hobby. If you go to community college or uni you’ll run into people plenty. It’s up to you if you want to keep investing time in maintaining and working on the friendships you already have but you’ll have plenty of opportunity to find other friends and people to hang with, unless you live in like a 500 population town.

    But yeah, that’s about it. I wouldn’t focus too much on the “outlook” stuff since friendship is a fluid thing that everyone has different requirements for. So I guess think what you’ve done, how they’ve treated you, and if you do want to still be friends with them (and then put in work to solve these problems) or just find other friends.

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