What’s something that you expected out of marriage when growing up, that you quickly learned wasn’t the fact upon getting married?

  1. I expected it to be a lasting bond between two people.

    Which I now know isn’t the case and in many countries not even supported but rather incentivized to end.

  2. Growing up watching my parents scream and fight, I thought marriage would be ridiculously impossible and draining to maintain.

    It turns that it isn’t that way at all if you just communicate in a healthy manner.

    My marriage is awesome, just because my parents wasn’t doesn’t mean anything.

  3. Most women do the cooking.

    I was BY FAR the better cook. I guess she’s going to get all wifey and I won’t be able to cook anymore. I’m going to miss that, I’m a hell of a good cook, if I do say so myself.

    Quarter century later, I’m still doing almost all the cooking LOL, thankfully.

  4. I expected to fight all the time. My parents were always fighting and then telling me how it was healthy. Now that I’m married, I realize they just had a shit relationship. My wife and I rarely have disagreements and when we do, it’s a discussion. Marriage is the best thing that’s happened to me.

  5. I used to think when you marry some you stick together and stay faithful but nowdays on the net and in social circle it doesn’t feel like that the case

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