if you have experienced betrayal, how did you heal from it?

  1. I didn’t. I shoved it down deep into my box with all the rest of my emotions & my ulcer & it’ll just live there.

  2. By coming to the realization that the reason behind their betrayal has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with them.

  3. Forgive and remind myself that I’m allowed to forgive someone and never have a relationship with them again.

  4. It took years, but I worked on my self esteem and did things to improve my life, like going to a trade school for a new career field, losing weight and getting in shape, paying off debts….

    Over time, my cheater ex and I learned to coparent together better. That’s what did a lot of my healing; he wasn’t picking fights with me or being difficult anymore. I wouldn’t say I’ve forgiven him; it’s more that I just don’t care one way or another. I really have complete apathy toward him as a person now.

    Other betrayals have usually just involved boyfriends leaving instead of the mindfuck my decade with my ex was and divorce. With each breakup, I’m better and better at handling it and healing afterwards. Time and experience together we’re just as important for my healing as my effort TO heal was. I worked hard to turn my outlook around and be positive.

  5. do you have a specific kind of relationship in mind? it’s really different with different types and how they betrayed me.

  6. Slapped him.

    Seriously though it was the realization that none of their bullshit had anything to do with me and was 100% because of their own issues that they were either completely ignorant of or just couldn’t be bothered to fix no matter how many times I asked. No way was I sticking around for that.

  7. Had an ex post private pictures he took online. Found out he’d been doing it since the beginning of the relationship.

    Only leaving him, and time healed that.

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