
Me (24F) and this guy (26M) have been seeing each other for almost 5 months now, We’re both on the same page of not dating each other since we were consistently in relationships and now is a good time to take a pause.

We also were mutual about being exclusive, well.. he’s the one who mentioned it first that we are basically exclusive because he does not want to do anything with anyone else because he does not want to hurt me. He’s a kind guy, not the type to fuck around when seeing someone. All of our friends would say he’s a great guy. He’s honest with me, and he likes being transparent. He also shows hint of jealousy sometimes.

Before he moved apartments, I would stay over at least 3-4 times a week, a few times I stayed over for the week. He’d cook me breakfast and we’ll just do our thing and cuddle. He isn’t afraid kiss me and be lovey dovey in public too. We’d be texting everyday and he’d asked me how my day/night was and so on. I’ve met his pets and been to his family home (w/o his family there).

After he moved apartments, he’s currently living with his bestfriend (guy). I understood that I couldn’t stay over as much since he’s living with his friend and we both want to respect him. He doesn’t text me as much as before? Some days he would text me but then some days he would still text me but its dry.

A few days ago, I stayed over and I found a condom wrapper and I told him I was gonna go home. He said that the wrapper is actually from our last intercourse lol (i was the one who threw it on the side so it was in the side) and he just started reassuring me that its only me, he started reading out the people he was texting, asked if I wanted to see. This part makes me think that oh it really is just me.

Recently, he’s been down and not mentally well so I understood if he wasn’t his normal self. He would take a long time to respond and I would notice that he’s ignoring my messages but is online in Instagram. Back then, he isn’t usually on IG but recently, I keep noticing him online. He would usually message me in the morning too. Today, I messaged him in the morning and he responded after 6 hours but was active on IG.

I’m just confused, when we message each other there are times where its dry but there are also times where its fun. When I’m staying over, his actions speak way louder than his words, he’s very sweet and he’s definitely romantic but I have a feeling, he isn’t as interested in me as before. Thoughts?

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