Me(23m) and my bf, Alex(22m), have been dating for a little over a year. I met him and his stepsister, K(20), at work two years ago. Eventually we started dating and its almost been a month since we started living together. I found out my boyfriend and her dated for 3 years until my bf’s dad left his mom for his now stepsister’s mom. They continued to date until two years after when she cheated and left my bf (now her stepbrother) out of the blue. Everything is going perfectly well exept for his sister. Me and her get along well, i like her, she came to see me an hour ago when my boyfriend left for practice and we cooked together. Her presence doesn’t bother me and i really enjoy her company but thinking that she dated my boyfriend for 3 years makes me feel so uneasy. I cant shake the feeling of pure disgust. I dont want to leave them two together because even if i trust my boyfriend, i dont trust her. She’s already dating someone but has a pretty wide history of cheating on current partners with her exes. What bothers me the most is the small commens she makes even if she means no harm in them.

For example, yesterday i was with my bf’s mom and his stepsis and we were joking about how after she broke up with him she slept around a lot. Then she says “well before Alex i wasnt such a *** cause i first made love with him”. OKAY! I know. I know it was the same for him but fucking hell why do u have to say it in front of me? Another thing that bothered me was when we were talking about her sex life and she says “when me and Alex were dating he had a nice bird”. I understand it’s all for fun cause we are used to making a lot of sexual jokes however i’d rather not hear these things said in my presence. Let alone about someone she calls fratellone

Hell! She will start crying every time she comes to visit us and i’m honestly starting to think she feels awful when we sees him with me.

I wanted to talk to her about it but before i could find the chance to, her boyfriend did.

Two nights ago the four of us were out for a drink. When we were getting in the car K’s boyfriend started speaking about how K’s eyes light up every time Alex is present and how she seems like a whole different person. He said that K doesn’t want to accept that her and Alex arent together anymore to which my boyfriend replied “i should remind you that it was her choice to break up”. I stayed silent for the whole argument because everything that i wanted to say that night would have done nothing but make it much worse.

I too think K cant wrap her head around the fact that they arent together anymore and the more i think about it, the more it makes me want to vomit.

Tldr: boyfriend’s stepsister won’t stop making sexual jokes about him to the point of almost getting dumped by her partner

  1. I think the whole situation is really weird. Especially the fact that they kept dating even after their parents got together. Has your bf not told her to stop with the jokes?

    > I dont want to leave them two together because even if i trust my boyfriend, i dont trust her.

    You also don’t trust your bf. You either trust him point blank, or not. This phrasing makes it sound like the stepsis would be the only responsible if something happened between them.

  2. god that first paragraph is such a mess to understand. holy moly.

    and why are you making sexual jokes with her if it disgusts you ? just stop and it will cut down on the disgust because you’re not giving her opportunities.

  3. She talked about fucking Alex with his mom present??? Somebody call Jerry Springer, because yikes.

    Where is Alex in all of this? Like I know he got involved in that fight with K and her BF, but what about the situation with K/you/him? Has he attempted to put up boundaries with K? Is he aware of how uncomfortable you feel? Is he standing up for you against his icky stepsister?

    I dunno, I have some weiiiird ass marriages in my family, but I think I’d be leaving this situation. Like, my cousin Jes has been with her husband Peter for 15 years. About 4 years ago Jes’s dad proposed to Peter’s mom. No one even knew they’d been dating. It’s strange, but unlike this situation, no one’s getting actively hurt.

    If you want to stay, Alex **has** to tell K to back way, way, way off. She needs to start thinking before she speaks, clearly. Talking about his bird (I’m guessing ‘bird’ meant ‘penis’ or ‘erection’ in this story)? No. Talking about having sex with Alex at all? No. It has to stop.

    If she won’t stop, Alex needs to cut contact with her as much as he can. If he won’t do that, then he isn’t devoted to you and your wellbeing. That’s a big problem.

    I feel really bad for you and K’s boyfriend. Alex and K are taking you both for a wild ride and it’s super unfair and weird.

  4. I mean this is mostly just an unfortunate situation brought about by some really shitty parents. Who leaves their wife for the sons gfs mom? I don’t think there’s much you can do. She’s gonna be around. I wouldn’t expect it to change. I think a lot of people would choose to part ways here rather than deal with this Jerry springer drama.

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