I want to be a good storyteller. How should I start and improve?

  1. I read books and review them every now and then (with summary and all) has improved my storytelling, do try.

  2. Try writing out small stories or ideas, no matter how good or bad you think they are. Talk to yourself in paper to see how you can manage conversations between multiple characters. Try describing as many details of anything no matter how mundane or amazing with as much of a colourful choice of words as you can manage and make a bit of practice of it (in paper would he better than inside your own mind).
    You could also try DnD or roleplaying in games.
    Good luck!

  3. My friend said I’d be a great storyteller for children because I act out things and use a lot of gestures.

    A good way of learning how to use gestures and act out well is to watch any Spider-Man film. Sounds dumb, but remember that all the Spider-Man actors have had to convey emotions and thoughts without any facial expressions. They all use exaggerated body language to convey themselves.

  4. Read more book and watch more movies, improve social skills and talking infront of a few people, lastly experience different things so you have stories to tell

  5. Practice practice practice.

    You’ll be terrible at first but you’ll get better eventually

    You can watch videos/read books, but nothing will be as effective as just putting yourself out there. Don’t overthink it, just take the next opportunity you get

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