For those married couples who have kids, how do you make time for sex. Specially even with older kids in the house. I think the reason why we haven’t had sex in forever is because my wife is nervous they might hear. Just wondering if anyone has tips/advice. Thanks!

  1. We have two teens and I won’t have sex when they are home. We have a small house and they have heard us before. It makes me really uncomfortable and i can’t enjoy it. We schedule it when they are in school. It’s not ideal but works for now. My husband gets annoyed with the situation sometimes.

  2. It’s not the worst thing in the world for kids to know their parents have sex. We’re very affectionate and gross our kids out, playfully, but they also have the comfort their parents love each other and are a committed husband and wife.

    I don’t think you should be trying to make it obvious, but marriage first. There have been times we did not make it to the bedroom, and just thankful they didn’t walk out of their rooms…lol No idea of they have ever heard us.

  3. Both of our kids (2.5 and 4.5 years old) sleep in the bed with us despite having their own rooms. And they go to sleep pretty late apparently, around 9 – 9:30. However, once they are asleep we try to hang out together depending on how tired we are after they are asleep. That’s when we get it on on the couch or somewhere else besides our bed. Have to try and make the time I suppose. But what do I know… We have sex once a month when the kids aren’t here or randomly in previously mentioned scenarios.

  4. We have a teen and preteen and we manage to have sex almost daily. We like to have our fun in the morning when we know they’re asleep. And if we do it at night we just throw a pillow behind the headboard and try and be quiet 🤷🏼‍♀️

  5. Wait until they go to sleep at night is our only option right now. We have a 6 month old and 3 year old. I really miss middle of the day sex but my 3 yr old just dropped her nap and I’m a SAHM so we are SOL

  6. Our kids know not to knock unless there’s fire, blood or broken bones. Otherwise stay away. They’re all teens now, but this was the rule since the last one moved out of our room.

    It’s really how committed you are, my wife is very committed.

  7. We have older kids, we turn on our TV or some music or just be quiet, sometimes trying to stay quiet is part of the fun! Your kids will leave at some point and it will just be you and your husband. Invest in your marriage now, or you’ll have nothing in the future.

  8. We adapt, adapt to the situation we are in. We make plans and make time for it. When our teens are in the house, we do it late when they’re alseep or about to sleep, have the TV on, doors locked and we do it quitely as possible and when they are out with their friends, then we go all out since we have the house to ourselves. and what really works for us is, on my days off from work and my kids are in school, my husband goes home at lunch for some afternoon delights..

  9. My boys are 14 and 17. I have never cared if they heard. Don’t get me wrong we are not intentionally loud. But we are married and love eachother. Plus their playing games, doubt they would hear even if we were loud lol.

  10. We fit it in when we aren’t exhausted, which is our issue. We try to keep it sex positive over here. Our kids have heard it, they know it is how we try to keep our marriage healthy and that it’s important to have intimacy in a relationship. We touch and flirt often, but not explicit if that makes sense. We save the wilder stuff for the hotel room.

  11. It’s hell!! It’s hard when they’re small, but no one prepared us for teenagers who never go to bed.

  12. We go downstairs lol 😂 n they sleep upstairs. So there’s that for us. Maybe 1x per week. But what I do know is what when I was growing up……. My parents never hid having sex. It traumatized me so bad. I’d cry…. I’d cry myself to sleep. One time I was 17 at the time. Went out to the movies and came home. Was falling asleep when I heard them. Instant rage!!!!! I banged on their door! “Enough !!! You got kids in the house!! Stop it!!!” Never again….. thank you for trying to be sneaky. For those of you who say “it’s what parents do.” It’s NOT!! That is gross!!!!!! For ur kids to hear u guys!!!

  13. Send them to grandparents. That’s what we do. During COVID, we would pull my large SUV behind our gate, lay the seats down, and take it out there.

  14. This is one of the reasons we had nearly a dead bedroom for 10-20 years. There was no way I could do it with kids in the house. Now that we are down to one at home, and her room is away from our room, I am okay, but I was not that way for years.

  15. It’s difficult, that’s for sure. It’s usually when the kids are asleep. Cliche but true lol. We’re both busy with a million things but the weekend is usually when we find some leisurely time.

  16. The second the last kid falls asleep, get a couple rounds in. Not to sound like sex addicts, but my husband and I still have sex everyday. We’re very lucky that we have spaces we can go to get away from the kids like the garage, basement bedroom, laundry room with a door, seats down in the back of my SUV, and even the garden shed. Even if it’s a quickie cuddled under a blanket on the couch. Done it a million times and never been caught once. Every other weekend, my husband and I get a weekend to ourselves when the kids visit their grandparents. We use that time to find new places to hide😂

  17. We will have the same issue but my hope is to have a large enough house by the time our kids are in high school to where our bedroom is on the other side of the house

  18. When they were younger we told them to play in their rooms as mom and dad were having “private time” and not bother us. We put on a radio/music and go at it. They’re teens now and know when we go upstairs together, we’re probably having sex. If they need something they knock first, then ask to come in and wait until we give them the clear to enter.

    If you need to, pay for a hotel once a month or something. Buy them pizza and let them stay home if they’re able to.

  19. My parents would have my brother and I sleep over at our grandparents house every weekend from Friday night to Sunday afternoon.

  20. We turn on the fan and put on music. We have teens so they know what’s happening and will usually make themselves scarce. 😂

  21. We have a smaller home. Olderish kids. I worry about it a bit but not a ton. I’m not going to be obvious about it but I also think if they did hear, at least they know we still love each other. I’d just prefer they not hear.

    We talk openly about sex with our kids but it’s one thing to know your parents have sex, it’s something else to hear it. At least for me.

    We have a box fan we use daily that helps with noise. Kids each have box fans as well but don’t always use them. Husband and I are also on opposite work schedules. So if I hear him come home from work snd I wake up, I try to initiate then since the kids are sleeping.

    Same thing for weekends since they’re older and stay up late. We just try to get them to sleepover with my parents or a friends house one night on the weekend. Lol I hate trying to be quiet. I always feel like I’m listening for them and they’re going to pick the lock and barge in or something.

  22. Our (46M & 45F) 2 children (21F & 20M) have always heard us having sex since they were young (mostly our daughter) which was inadvertent (wife can get very loud). Now with both kids being adults, we don’t care if they both hear us or not. We strictlybkeepnit to the bedroom unless both kids are out of the house. He’ll, our daughter has even knocked on the door a few times and told us to quiet down lol.

    You wife shouldn’t be embarrassed or worried about them hearing… its a natural part of life, and a natural part of a loving marriage.. Thousands of things worse kids can be exposed to, and do, by some parents…

  23. Luckily our kids sleep hard so they don’t hear us most of the time. However when the older two do hear they know to knock on the door and we’ll try and quiet down

  24. The shower. The kids are normally watching TV or playing on their tablets during that time. We aren’t loud either, so no worries there. Otherwise at night when they’re all in their rooms. We make sure the TV is on, and again, we aren’t loud.

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