So long story short me and my bf just got back together, so he hasn’t got head from me in months. I was in an accident awhile back and fucked up a tooth, got a root canal and no crown, so they said the tooth will chip away, and so it has. It cuts me sometimes but my mouth shapes to it, and i forget its sharp and jagged, its just that one side tooth. So last night I gave my bf head and when I was done he said he thinks he is bleeding, we checked, he had a small scrape and was bleeding, and we both thought I used my teeth, which is weird sense I’ve given him head to many times to count and never have had this happen. He showed me right where it was and it clicked then that it was where that tooth is that’s fucked up, so I said I think it was my bad tooth that did it. To rewind quick, he got up, I said what’s wrong, he said I think I’m bleeding, I said what seriously, do you need antibiotic ointment, did i do that, and he said ya I think so, and I said what I’m sorry, and he was ignoring me clearly cause he was shocked he was bleeding, but he said I never apologized and i said i did u just weren’t listening. He became irate, said my ugly ass crooked teeth are dumb, even though he said he knew i didn’t mean it. He kept insulting me, and then kept saying ya u bite my dick, u tried to eat it, just throwing insults even though he knows their untrue, after he would say i know you didn’t mean it. He left screaming at me , screaming. now i do not have a dick, i don’t know how bad it is, and if i deserved it. I got mad of course and then refused to apologize again to him, and he just left my house screaming and insulting me, am I in the wrong, I know someone has to be the adult here, and i feel i did cut him its my fault, and I don’t know what its like to be a guy? so any guy advice here, girls to if this happened to them before, anything happen to you like this? did you react angrily at first then calm down? i know i deserved some type of scolding, i do, but i did get mad and then confused and now I’m just lost on what to do, he hasn’t reached out to me and i don’t know if he will honestly..

  1. if yah stick your dick in a hole with teeth, there’s always a risk. he needs to chill

  2. I have been injured twice during sexual activity. Never got angry just lost any sexual drive. He is absolutely overreacting. Obviously the bleeding can be very stressful but to treat you like that is terrible. The only think i don’t understand is why you refused to apologise again?

  3. Thats an abusive and undeserved overreaction by him. No, do not accept that form of abuse. He had every right to stop, but in recognizing what happened his reaction should have been to treat it and discuss it like a normal human being. Him calling you ugly, yelling, flipping from its ok to abusing you is a big 🚩. Stay the hell away from this pathetic baby who need to grow up.

  4. His reaction is absolute bullshit, and a good way never to get head again. I would never try to make her feel bad for an accident like that.

  5. Becoming verbally abusive to someone over an accident is never OK. You didn’t “deserve” to be scolded at all, much less abused that way.

    > I know someone has to be the adult here

    That’s you. You have to be the adult here, and an adult doesn’t allow people to treat them like this. His behavior isn’t just a one-time temper tantrum but a sign of things to come if you stay in the relationship.

  6. he got shocked and reacted childishly, from his screaming and all I guess it wasn’t that much of a deal (medically speaking). as said in an other comment, if you stick it in a hole with teeth something may happen, he definitely needs to chill.
    And if you are both 20+ yo than you may consider your bf as a teen (mental age).

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