Well, it’s sad to say but my husband got arrested on Sunday for assaulting me. He is my best friend and I have a lot of love for him but I guess this book just needs to be closed. I hope he finds help and gets better. So sadly I wish you all a farewell as I leave this subreddit as my divorce will come soon. Life moves on and so will I. I will always wish the best and hope we both find happiness again. I forgive him but I will not forget the decision he made over something that seems so very small. But maybe this is what we both need. It’s okay that marriages don’t work sometimes. Don’t always put your marbles into forever with someone, they can change so very easily into the worst. And it is not your job or responsibility to change them. Much love and peace for all your marriages and just remember to not take things too seriously. Never let little things get to you. And never say things you don’t mean. Always take a beat and let yourselves calm down. Communication is meant to be used best in a calm environment and you can control that. Work together. Love with no expectations and without fear.

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