Is there a special burger you make that’s super delicious and nobody else makes it? Maybe like a lamb number or all day breakfast burger or tofu Would you like to see it available in your local fast food chain?

  1. I want an Aberdeen Angus ground burger with melted Monterey Jack cheese, onion rings, bbq sauce, gherkins, onion and instead of a bun it’s two chocolate pop tarts.

  2. I had one in Italy that had a whole burrata and some basil on top of the patty.

    Unnecessary? Yes. Ludicrously unhealthy? Yes. But also by a long long way the best cheeseburger I’ve ever had. I do recreate it at home but seriously, burger shops are missing a trick here.

  3. I’m vegetarian, but this works equally well with meat.

    Chilli sauce (not ketchup) and peanut butter.

  4. I want the McDonald’s double cheeseburgers of 15 years ago when they used to sit sweating in a warmer for 2 hours.

    Now you get a “freshly made” cheeseburger that’s lukewarm and the cheese hasn’t even melted.

  5. I once had a burger with raclette cheese, pickles and a potato rostie….oh my it was a thing of beauty.

  6. There’s a street food place in York called Sloppy Burgers that made the most amazing truffle mayo burger. The taste was so delicious, I’d never had anything like it.

    But time has gone on and this indie business has changed. There’s more staff, more orders, and much cheaper ingredients (I’m assuming based on the quality of burgers now). I really want to find a delicious sloppy burger that they used to make, but I’ve never found anywhere else quite like it.

  7. I want a Big Mac but with the Quorn burger in place of the meat one. It’s not like it’s supreme meat to begin with, and I like Big Macs mainly for the toppings, the bun and the nostalgia/familiarity aspect.

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