Or do you bottle some of them for the sake of others sanity? Is it even possible to overwhelm another person?

I heard many times it’s not our job to control others emotions or reactions, and it shouldn’t stop us from expressing our frustrations and feelings.

I mean communicating it in a healthy way, not lashing out or being angry.

  1. I share almost all emotions with my wife. We have been there to support each other alot in 17 years – lots of funerals and loss of close friends and family, job loss, meeting her bio dad, my mom’s dementia… However, you sometimes have to choose which hill to die on when sharing frustrations about your SO to your SO. Constant criticism feels like nit picking and is a marriage killer.

  2. No, of course not. Emotions come and go in a the span of minutes. Communicating them all would be silly. What is important to communicate includes things like wishes, expectations, boundaries, desires or any problems you might have. You may have to sit and reflect a bit to figure those out, which is totally fine.

  3. Oh hell no. That’s too much burden to put on someone. IMO there’s an appropriate amount to bring up. Some I bottle up, some I spill on friends and siblings etc. Unless your emotions are mainly “happy” ones, it may not be wise to dump them all on your spouse.

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