I have recently started seeing a guy who is avoiding exchanging numbers. We communicate only on a dating app. In the past we have lost contact a number of times due to his mixed signals which I interpreted as lack of interest and stopped contact. We have been on 7 dates, I have seen him check his phone frequently but he never asked for my number. Texts messages aren’t always practical and I don’t understand why he is guarding his number. I have messaged him that I find constant messaging a problem and wont be using dating app until further notice. We do have another date planned. All other guys I am seeing or about to meet have asked for my number long ago. We do face time which is helping us learn about each other and build connection.

  1. I agree that he must be hiding something. I know where he lives but I haven’t been to his place. He has been to mine, no sex and next date was also meant to be at mine. Whenever I bring any issues up his excuse is that he doesn’t know how online dating works which is bs because its all common courtesy.

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