Oh what a pickle!

Almost four years ago I got together with a guy who was a really good friend who had been hinting he wanted to get with me. I thought ‘why not, best of a bad bunch’. From that very day that was it, I was told he preferred slimmer girls, girls who didn’t wear their makeup like I did and I received all sorts of subtle digs. He broke up with me daily, sometimes multiple times per day and in the middle of the night as we slept. Sometimes I would cry and beg, sometimes he would come back of his own accord and sometimes I just ignored him until he retracted everything he said and confirmed he loved me and wanted us to work. Toxic AF! I was struggling with BPD, addiction (very high functioning and didn’t effect us financially or effect me being very good in my career) abandonment issues and genuinely loved him.

Fast forward we are married almost 3 years and have a baby who’s a year and a half old.

His family didn’t come to our wedding. When they met me they had made their mind up that I wasn’t good enough for their family status. They are wealthy and posh and I’m not materialistic at all. I prefer spending my time doing homeless outreach and activism for rights etc. They prefer to keep up with the Jones’ and priotise the golf and tennis clubs. I’d bake homemade bread, bring down artisan treats etc and it was never good enough.
I organised a huge weekend of birthday surprises for him and asked his bother who I did have on FB to spread the word to the family. He didn’t and none of them turned up and his mum was raging I’d organised a weekend of special and expensive fun for him.
They were never kind to me and would tell him to get a new girlfriend etc so I stopped going down to theirs and he moved into mine. By the time we got married I had no contact with them.
We had a fall out on our wedding night but stayed together. Three months later I fell pregnant with a miracle (I was told 18 years prior I would never conceive). None of them reached out with a congratulations. His mum said it was too soon! To him, not me, they never contact me. His mum also said our daughter wasn’t his and he forced me to do a dna test.

I basically called them a bunch of C* in a fb post (they weren’t tagged) and apparently that was the nail in the coffin for them. I was pregnant ffs and they are C*.

I gave birth and roll on to her being 3 months old. My husband offers his family a Zoom call with us to settle a few things and then they can come see baby. Nope they said theyd never like me but would come see baby outside of my house without me. Naturally I said no! They drove up anyway, didn’t see baby, just him.

Approaching her first birthday I offer my second olive branch to them which was rejected.

Baby is now 19 months and still haven’t heard a thing. Although they tell him they’re desperate to meet her.

The night before our second wedding anniversary he is telling me how happy he is, how much he loves me, how funny I am, how sorry he is he’s phys*****y h**** me while pregnant, sp*t on me and kept leaving me and from now we are together solid. I was truly happy to hear this. And then he told me two weeks prior he cheated on me and had to be honest with me.
There was no genuine remorse (he’s a narcissist) so I blasted him on FB in an attempt to get him to see what he does to me is wrong. Well that was it, he flounced out there and then and in the 7 months since its been hell.
He’s been back for a few days in December telling me he loves me etc but it was really all a ruse to get me on board so he could try and take our baby.
I got a hold of his phone and saw all the messages between him and his creepy dad. Telling my husband to not pay for the child, telling him to stay away from me, telling him I’m crazy and all sorts of awful stuff. His creepy dad even contacted my mum (zero contact in like 15 years) to get evidence against me!
He refuses to pay for the baby and I have to beg for heating, for electricity and when he sends me groceries its mostly all rubbish baby doesn’t need.
He has chosen to take her twice per week for 4 hours and 4 hours on a weekend. I recieve barrages of abuse from him constantly. Calling me fat (I’m not) and ugly and a bad mum (I’m not at all, far from it) and he has people watching my every move right down to having a pop at me when I posted a beautiful healthy meal I made our child. He said I made him feel crappy as he didn’t feed her that. Like wtf.

He’s taking me to court for custody (lol no chance). My legal team want me to go for supervised access for him. I don’t want that. I want him to see her every day if he wishes and when a bond has been built she can stay at his overnight. He wants to take her over the boarder to his familys. I am not allowing that. If they want to see her they can message me and I’ll be civil and meet them, quick polite conversation, take her for an hour or two and then back home to me. If he takes her over the border and something happens its too far for me to be there instantly. He also could keep her as the laws are different there.
There’s so much more to this but I’m honestly exhausted typing this. I’m so done in with the constant abuse and lack of support.
His family didn’t just not like me, they actively played a huge part in seperating our family unit and they continue to do so.

I have our baby up and out the door by 9am every morning at different groups, I spend our days at home painting and making stuff, going on trips to the museum etc and I’m also in college. I am a good mum who receives nothing but abuse from that side. I don’t feel I should have to reach out again to his parents or do anything different to what I am. We are currently no contact between him and the baby again ffs and I’m just going to wait until it goes to court as I’m done.

  1. Your baby is 3 months old. Babies should only get formula and breast milk until around 6 months. If you are making dinners to post on fb go for it but talk to your dr before feeding them to baby. Also trashing someone on fb is high school behaviour. You are better than that. You are a momma now. You got a lil baby to raise and teach. Stop engaging with your ex and his terrible family. Put as much emotional distance between your ex and yourself as you can. Treat him with aloof, polite indifference from now on. You deserve better.

  2. I’m so sorry you have had these terrible in-laws.
    I’ve heard of parents that opposed a marriage but when the first grandchild arrives they soften.

    These people are not worth having near you.

    Didn’t see part where you find out he is gay.

  3. You have terrible in-laws. You also need to stay off of FB since it sounds like you post terrible things like an angry teenager.

  4. Grow the fuck up, blasting people on face book is a shit thing to do. You’re in a shit place but you’re not making it any better, get couple councilor get your own councilor. But get of social media you sound like a brat. “I blasted him on Facebook” what are you 12?

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