I am getting divorced (no kids) and started a fwb type of relationship last summer. The fwb knows about the living separation. Just wondering more about the male perspective on this type of relationship. What is it like to be the “other” man?

  1. I know I’m not a man but maybe this will help when men comes to answer… What do you mean you’re “the other man?” Like your FWB is in a relationship? We don’t have enough info here. Lol

  2. For me, being the other man ruined me emotionally for years. I don’t understand your post, but if you’re cheating on someone or your situation requires you to be around your husband a lot, you’re asking your other man to shoulder a pretty big burden. If I could go back in time, I would have slapped the shit out of myself because of how stressful and insecure that relationship made me.

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