So as I have girl that I like, that I would probably confess to when she’ll leave college this year. I told this to a friend of mine and she said that it’s a cowards move to confess to someone as your putting a burden on the other person. She said it’s just better to ask the girl to be my girlfriend directly. But shit isn’t that even worst, you’re putting more weight on the person by hoping something would come up where as confessing is just admitting that you like her.

TD;LR Is that true? Is confessing a shit move ?

  1. That was confusing. Confessing directly doesn’t seem cowardly at all. If anything that’s pretty brave enough. I would imagine cowards being the type to not even confess at all and hide their feelings because they afraid of rejection.

  2. Its a schoolboy move that only works in high school dramas. Your feelings aren’t someone else’s responsibility to act on. Directly asking someone out would be the correct move 99% of the time. Simply saying “I’m in love with you” and riding off into the sunset is just dumb, in my opinion.

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