Please no generic answers like painting, taking a bath or baking cookies…how do you make the most of the time you have alone?

  1. If I have absolutely nothing to do, I like to see how many times I can make my uterus contract! 😀

    When I have obligations, I alternate between those duties AND seeing how many times I can make my uterus contract!

    I live a simple life.

  2. I have literally never been bored at home. There’s always housework and house maintenance; I have pets, and I also like to read. My job shut down for about 2.5 months when Covid hit the US, and I was never bored.

  3. Read books, listen to music. If I’m into a TV show I might binge a couple of episodes of that. I don’t really get bored to be honest, all that’s enough to keep me entertained.

  4. i’ll go on youtube binges and spend hours watching videos that interest me that i wouldn’t otherwise have time to watch. get high af. tidy or organize a small area so i feel productive. return calls/texts from the week, list goes on and on

  5. Trying out a new baking recipe, reorganize my game room, catch up on my Asian dramas.

  6. YouTube, Crime Podcasts, Swim in Pool, Shop and put things in cart but never actually buy, look at yummy recipes, go on grocery website and look at all the specials and put them in my cart

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