How much does clothing affect your first impression of a girl?

  1. More than we realize. It’s not going to affect our attraction to her but how we perceive and react to her will vary based on how she presents herself. Our expectations change as a result too.

  2. Beyond being cleanly, I care very little. You could show up in sweats and couldn’t care less, along as they’re clean.

  3. Much. Clothing says a lot about someone.

    In the case of a woman I have interest in I would expect ahe cares about how she looks.

  4. She could show up in a car tarp with gravy boats for shoes. Guys mostly don’t care.

  5. If she goes fashion over comfort way to much I’ll assume she is unpleasant.
    Nothing else,expose how much you want from your body if you feel like it.

  6. Nudity notwithstanding, it says quite a lot about a girl, or anyone for that matter. Is she trendy or not. Is she “sporty” or more refined. Does she take care in her choice of clothes or does she not care about those kind of things.

    I had a girlfriend once who was very particular about her clothes and she was always well put together, unfortunately she was also a pain in the ass! I’m getting married to a woman who is less concerned with those things but always looks lovely and has the sweetest heart.

    What’s on the outside is not as important as what’s on the inside.

  7. Quite a bit. Clothing is art and it is self expression. It tells you a lot about who someone is, and who they want others to think they are. Clothing often gives clues about who a person is. Such as: their interests, what they do for work and in their free time, whether they’re artsy or practical, how much time they put into what others think of them, and so much more. Even when people don’t mean to dress in a way that tells others who they are, they still do it.

  8. If you just wear sweats and a hoodie everywhere its a turnoff. You give me “not like other girls” vibes. Im not saying wear sundresses everyday but jeez at least look presentable when you go out.

  9. Unless it’s in some extreme I probably don’t notice. Normally I don’t like it when a girl seems to try too hard to make some sort of statement with clothing.

  10. Quite a lot actually. If we are talking first impression I have only looks to go by. So automatically I’m making assumptions wether I like it or not. This is just personal opinion but a well dressed woman does look really good. I’m deliberately saying that without any comment on her own looks without the clothes. Clothing can have a really have a big effect

  11. I tend to avoid the ones who look homeless, like an escort or like the woke chick who just partied 11 hours in some basement club.

  12. Anything above the basics is wasted effort on me.

    In fact if you put a lot of effort into picking out your outfit I’ll think you have your priorities wrong.

  13. Really depends, but people who say that it doesn’t matter are either lying, have low standards, or are just happy if a girl shows up. If a girl shows up to a date in sweats, like she just rolled out of bed, it says that she’s not taking this seriously and therefore neither should I. Conversely, if she shows up over dressed(and takes a lot of selfies) it tells me that she’s narcissistic and not relationship material. Really, this is a large conversation to have; the above was just two examples.

  14. Is it clean? Does she have anything stupid written on her? Does it flatter her or show off her worst features? Does it suggest certain interests or lifestyles?

    Clothing is the packaging you use to sell yourself to the world and most people do exactly what it says on the tin.

  15. Not much at all, beyond whether she appears clean. A hot woman in oversized sweatpants is still hot. Sometimes, even more so.

  16. Big time. Latest ex always wanted to wear big baggy shirts and basically pajama pants on dates. Looked terrible on her. I wear nice, well fitting pants that make my ass look good, a well fitting shirt, proper color belt, and setimes a button down shirt either buttoned and tucked or open. I actually try to make sure I look decent when I leave the house. She didn’t. Gave me shit when I made her put on real pants before our last ever date. It’s embarrassing after a certain point. She always knew I would dress up for special dates as well. She made no effort. Huge turn off. Not just the look, but her mentality. I wanted her to be proud to be seen with me and happy to look at me. Wanted to look good for her. She made no such effort in return. It was awkward at times.

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