My girlfriend and I went through a rough patch recently when I was working in a different state and didn’t take out time to call/text etc. (completely my fault, I was an asshole – this happened for about 3-4 months)

I’ve been back for 3 months and have been at my absolute best with her and also tried to fix the underlying problems I have. I’ve always been kinda jealous/insecure and she is too (not as much as I am) when it comes to interactions with the opposite gender but I knew I was wrong so I’ve tried improving myself. During my time away, my gf got close to her coworker/boss at work and spends time w him all day at work and goes w him for a coffee now and then. I found that a bit weird because it’s always just the two of them and no one else from work but she told me it’s normal so I’ve been okay about it. However, recently she called me by that guy’s name twice. The first time was when I had only been back for a month and her reason was that she’s not used to hanging out with me and is always around him. The second time was more recent and it happened even though we hang out a lot more and things have gotten much better between us. She says it’s an honest mistake but it absolutely shatters my confidence and breaks my heart.

I wanna know if this is normal, if it can happen to anyone or if I’m reading too much into it.

P.S. I absolutely love this girl and we’ve known each other for 11 years, been together for 7. Whereas, she’s known this coworker for only 6 months.

Please help a brother out.

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