How do I connect to myself sexually when I am lonely & alone, but don’t want go down the route of masturbation or porn? I just recovering from mental health issues & never have much experiences.

  1. Slowing deepening the breath . Movement, lovingly caressing the body. Self Massage. Exploring sensation and whatever you’re curious about . Even if it’s something that seems silly like : fuck , making out with a juicy orange would be interesting right now . Get a real orange or just do it mentally . Just an example .

    Listen inside to where you want touched , how it would excite you to move, to breathe .

    Music and images can be a great tool. Feeling into, resonating, becoming it.

    You are the bliss of the universe incarnate .

    May i ask why you have an aversion to masturbating ?

  2. Why don’t you want to masturbate? It’s really fucking awesome. Masturbating is the ultimate form of self care. There is no better way to connect with your mind and body then through exploring all kinds of different ways to masturbate.

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