What is an unbelievable moment that happened to you but nobody was there to witness it?

  1. I was playing For Honor. It’s a PS4/PS5 game where you play as warriors from different eras and you fight other players.

    I was playing the knight who used a shield and a morningstar. What I liked about that class was that you would heal a little bit if you successfully blocked. Every class had this dauge that would allow them to go super and ignore all damage done to them. I should also point out that it’s possible to revive comrades (other players) who have been defeated.

    So anyways I got into a round and my team was in a sudden death moment. It was me and one other guy vs 3 of the enemy. Me and my teammate fought well but eventually he was killed and I couldn’t revive him. To make matters worse, I had just killed one of the enemies, but the guy I killed was revived. This meant it was me vs 3 dudes. I fought as best I could and I ended up defeating one of them… Unfortunately the other guy I defeated was revived. It wasn’t looking too good for me, but then I was able to max my super gauge. I used it and I killed 2 of the enemies in one swipe of my morningstar. I then turned my attention to the last guy and I fought him 1 on 1. He was no match for me and he was quickly dispatched.

    Now I know this doesn’t answer your question because my entire team saw this fight and I was able to save it to YouTube. This was easily one of my finest gaming moments.

  2. I was climbing/playing on a barn that was being framed (when I was about 12) and fell off the second floor and caught myself on a first floor beam before hitting the ground – it was like some James Bond shit.

  3. Was removing my oven door with a cheese knife (yeah- I know, but I needed something pointy to lever the ledge).

    One of the ends broke and the spike flew away, I searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be found.

    I continued meal prepping.

    Some days later, I put my stuff in the microwave, and shook it multiple times.

    As I opened the lid, there it was- enthroning on the middle of a bellpepper piece, that was also directly in the middle of the bowl.

    Not sticking in it, just laying there as if someone put it right there.

    It was not possible to miss it, it was so obvious.

    Spared me a visit at the ER.

  4. I was hiking up a mountain in Germany (the Alpspitze ) with my dog. There were a fair amount of other people on the same mountain, but then cloud cover rapidly moved in, and most descended back into the valley. For some reason, my dog and I kept going up, even though I could barely see a few feet ahead of me. Finally, the visibility just got too bad that I decided to stop, get my bearings and try to safely descend. Just then, the wind started to blow, the clouds opened up, and I realized I was only about 20 feet from the summit.

    Well, I guess my dog was there to witness it.

  5. Reached the green in 2 on a par 5 and knocked in a 27 foot putt for eagle (my only Eagle ever)

  6. I split a dart. My dad thought I broke it by screwing around and didn’t believe I just had an amazing throw.

  7. I was sitting by the bank of a small creek in the woods behind my university, listening to music, and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I look over and there’s an enormous yellow rat snake literally slithering right up to me and tongue-flicking my leg. Fortunately, I love snakes, so we just sort of looked at each other for a bit, then I picked it up and moved it 20 feet away to a spot off the trail where nobody would notice.

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