I still think about strangers who were kind even though some interactions were short. It could’ve been an interaction years ago and I still can clearly picture their faces and voice. Sometimes I wonder what they are up too.

  1. I do too and sometimes I find myself thinking about scenarios of seeing them again. I wish to be that sort of kind stranger to others too.

  2. Many. I still recall this one from over 20 years ago when I used to ride the public transit. There were a few of us waiting on a bus to bring us to the central terminal station. The bus driver was the type to run early or at least on time. It’s getting closer to pick up time & no bus. Pick up time comes and goes, still no bus. We’re all panicking. One of the people waiting looked up online and found out that our bus had been rerouted. At this point I’ve come to accept that I’ll likely miss my next bus, at the terminal, and be super late to work. One man who had been pacing around ran across the street. I decided to start walking to the terminal. I heard the guy shouting, but continued to walk. A car pulls up next to me shortly after and there’s the man sitting in the passenger seat with an older woman driving. They tell me to get in. I told them I only had a bus pass and didn’t have any cash for gas. The woman says, “honey, I’m taking my grandson down there and there’s no reason for me to leave the rest of you stuck.” She gave 3 strangers a ride without expectation of anything. We all felt such relief and gratitude. I made it right on time.

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