About 2 months ago I (28m) met someone at a party (27f) and we made plans to go on a proper date in a few months’ time, when we were both back in the same place again.

It seemed like we were both into the same things and I remember excitedly telling my roommate about her when I saw him the next day.

For some context, we both live in a smallish city that’s somewhere a lot of people move to for work, and both of us were going home to visit our families for Christmas and then both travelling through January. I’ve never been in a ‘hey, let’s go on a date two months from now’ situation before and wasn’t totally sure about that idea, but was keen.

We texted a little bit after the party but decided not to exchange social media or anything just yet. I for one am not much of texter when I don’t know the person well. It was my preference to just get back in touch in late January when we could actually hang out again and she was fine with that too. I put it out of my mind and had a fun holiday season (and some casual hookups).

Come last week, I was talking to my roommate and he asked me about ’27f’ from that party last month.

A day or two after that she popped up on a dating app, so, I could see she was back, but I didn’t swipe on her because I’ve already got her number.

I sent her a short message (like..’Hey 27f, hope you’ve had a nice summer. If you’re back in town, how about we go for that drink?’) and never got a reply.

It’s been a week…I get that her silence most likely means she’s not interested anymore, but I can’t help but contemplate getting in touch in another way, just on the off chance that she’s lost my number or something. She will pop up on my Tinder unless she’s deleted it in the last week. Thoughts?

TL;DR: 2 months ago I (28m) met someone at a party (27f). We made plans to go on a proper date when we were both back in the same place again, which is around about now. I texted her about a week ago and got no response. Should I try one more time?

  1. It sounds like you’re interested in pursuing this relationship and don’t want to miss out on the opportunity. It’s understandable that you would want to reach out one more time just to make sure you’re not missing anything.

    I think it’s totally reasonable to reach out one more time, but I suggest keeping it light and casual. If she’s interested, she’ll likely respond. If not, it’s best to accept the situation and move on. Good luck!

  2. What’s the worst that can happen? Give it a shot! Just don’t be annoying. also, respect a no

  3. Coming from a female myself, the best advice I could give about this situation is to give her a little bit longer to get back to you, if she still hasn’t replied a week later, I would move on and carry on with your life. She could be busy, she could be trying to keep it cool or she could have found somebody else on a dating app.

    Good thing is you’ve reached out, so now it’s up to her to get back to you and if she’s interested, trust me she would. I would hold back on contacting her on any other platforms/swiping her on tinder, if she wants to she will reply to you’re message. Good luck 🙂

  4. no – once is enough

    she IS telling you something by NOT telling you something….

    try again and you’re in stalker territory

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