I don’t understand how you’re supposed to meet people nowadays. I have a lot of trauma about being abandoned and betrayed and ending up alone. I have dysthymia which is basically lifelong, persistent depression. Im a straight male and about to turn 24 and still have never been in an official relationship. I’m an average looking guy 6’3 200lbs. I’ve tried dating apps but literally nothing has worked. Idk if they’re just bad photos or a bad bio, but I never would have guessed my dms would be this dry across multiple apps. Besides work, I don’t really do much. I’d go out with some people after for a couple drinks, and I would be maybe interested in them but I’ve had everyone tell me don’t date where you work (understandable). I don’t know how normal people do it. I don’t really have any friends at home. All my friends are back at college which I make sure to visit every other week which is nice.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me or what I’m doing wrong. I know I said people have given me advice not to date at work but that hasn’t stopped me from trying to be a little flirty and going out of my way to get to know people better.
I must be an idiot or the unluckiest person alive because time after time I’d meet someone, get a good vibe from them, work myself up into asking for their social, and then I get ghosted. Time and time again the same things have happened. So many of my close friends are getting married and living successful lived but I feel 5 years behind.
How are you supposed to meet someone if you’re an introvert like me that doesn’t go out by themselves and basically only have a work life. I’m so hard on myself when I see people my age happy and it breaks my heart not knowing why I never got that opportunity. I never even got the chance to try. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do or why what I’ve been doing hasn’t led to anything. I don’t know how normal people do it. It’s be easier to just stop caring and give up but I can’t. I don’t know why but I just can’t. I really wish I could.

  1. Therapy is huge for working through these feelings. It’s worth the investment in yourself if you’re able to afford it! Nothing about what your saying is indicative of an impossible barrier between you and other people, but low self esteem is what’s making it all hurt so hard. Working on that with a professional you can learn to trust is a really solid way forward. + giving it time in general

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