I(M22) am planning on going to the club by myself Friday . Ideally I would like to go to the club with a bunch of friends but most of my friends aren’t interested into go to the club . As a result, I’m going by my self .

I know this might be a struggle because I’m an introvert and I’m not the best when it comes to creating a new conversation with someone.

What should I do to meet new people and enjoy the night ?

  1. My favorite conversation starter is compliments. People love compliments, and people love talking about themselves. Maybe follow up with a question on what you’re complimenting and let the convo take you away.

  2. Wear something noticable to help start conversation (bright red jacket, big watch, large necklace, etc)

    Drink a good amount of water BEFORE drinking alcohol, it helps with hang overs

    Tip the bartender well and try to befriend them. Their job allows them to know who is who and what you should know

  3. Even for people who go to clubs a lot, going alone would be a challenge. You should definitely try it, Im just saying don’t be too hard on yourself if you find it a bit awkward! I certainly would.

  4. I actually did this myself recently. my friends canceled so I went by myself. I basically danced around for an hour or so, vibed with myself, and people would actually come up to dance with me. If I had any advice it’d be to not take yourself too seriously and enjoy the music.

  5. Get a drink, smile when you feel it coming on, enjoy the music, and remember that theres a lot of people there just like you. My last two experiences at a club, I went by myself and had women dancing with me and smiling at me. Eventually that leads to talking or you just get to enjoy the night dancing near a nice person.

  6. Go on the dance floor and dance next to groups of people. Make comments to them. Talk to people at the bar, befriend guys and girls. Talk about the dj, the club, what they’re celebrating. Even ask groups of girls if you can hang out with them for a little cause your a loner for the night, obviously, say it in a tone where they know you’re joking.

    Don’t feel the need to think you have to have amazing convos with every body and don’t think you’re going to smash every girl you talk to.

    Last one, if you see a girl staring at you and you caught them looking a few times THEYRE TELLING YOU TO TALK TO THEM! Don’t shit yourself just go talk to them. Go out there have fun, be social, talk to everyone (even the damn security guard), and don’t beat yourself up if you make mistakes.

    Also don’t get too fucked up, you’re going to be alone so you can’t really afford to blackout.

  7. I’ve done it, and made friends with a group of peers from a company.

    Also got a job offer and had loads of fun.

    I just Joined the table and laid out my intention. I’m 25 but did it when i was 22 aswell 😎

  8. Just one thought: how many times have you felt alone in a room full of people close to you, or when around friends? I’m sure there’s other people there in the very same boat, even if it’s not so visible. It’s only because you know you’re there by yourself which makes it awkward (and echo the above comments completely, I would feel a bit awkward too). Have a good time though!

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