i see a lot on reddit about mens mental health not being taken seriously. So wondered what you all thought of womens mental health in society.

  1. I think if you’re attractive and have that to offer. But nobody cares when an ugly girl is depressed.

  2. not even women’s health (PCOS, endometriosis, etc.) is taken seriously. I doubt their mental health would be either

  3. Not at all. Mental health should be part of healthcare coverage.

    I can’t afford a therapist at $120/hour.

  4. Absolutely not. We’re still “hysterical” or “emotional” or “hormonal” whenever we voice problems. We’re still judged, just differently.

  5. Mental health isn’t taken seriously at all, between men and women i feel women get a tiny bit more sympathy when it comes to mental health and men get taken more seriously in regards to physical health

  6. No. Black women are especially ignored by health professionals.

    [Source from Harvard](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/discrimination-black-womens-health/)

    [Source from The Lancet](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00367-6/fulltext)

    [Source from the American Bar Association ](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/racial-disparities-in-health-care/)

    I always suggest a doctor who’s a woman for women and a Black female doctor for Black women.

  7. No because women aren’t taken seriously for any other type of health related issue (or really many issues at all) so why would mental health be different? It’s unfortunate

  8. As a woman who has been chronically physically and mentally ill since I was 11 no. There is no part of women’s health that is taken seriously. Women’s pain is very much overlooked, dismissed and diminished. We’re constantly being covertly gaslighted into believing “it’s not that bad” or “that’s just how it is”. We’re expected to forever tolerate discomfort and pain just cause we happened to be AFAB. Most medical procedures etc aren’t even studied on us ffs. The only thing they care about and only just barely is whether we are able to reproduce even if it’s at our own detriment. All you have to do is look up the effects of hormonal birth control trials on men vs women to known how much a women’s life and health is valued.

  9. It really depends where you are in the world, and who you’re seeing. Where I’m at, in the central region of the US, a lot of the psych professionals seem to be women, and as such they tend to not buy into the stigma of hysterical women. Down south where my mom is from, it’s a lot harder to find shrinks that take women as seriously as they should. It’s possible, but it’s not easy.

    That being said, I’ve had medical doctors of all genders be dismissive of mental health symptoms and blame things that were not related to my mental illness on my mental illness. PCPs, surgeons, even a few ER nurses.

  10. In general society and work places . . . not. one. bit. It’s still something I have to hide at work. However I did find the right mental health professionals who take my care seriously and I’m so grateful for them.

  11. I don’t think anyone’s mental health is taken seriously. One of my pet peeves is the reddit-ism that no one cares about men’s mental health, while women get all the attention. I’ll be 40 soon and I’ve never seen a woman be taken seriously.

  12. I went in for a hernia and they kept asking me if I was *sure* it was not my period.

    Women’s health is a laughingstock at best.

    Eta: grumpy and did not read mental health. Mental health has only just become a subject that is at all taken seriously regardless of gender but even still most afflictions use men’s symptoms as standard. See ADHD and the austism spectrum.

  13. No one’s mental health is taken seriously. The majority still views mental illness as something you choose to have, that stems from lasiness or by being spoiled, and/or that you easily can cure by eating and exercising. The majority still believes that work, responsibility and being fun and available for others is more important than your own mental health.

    I’ll still definitely say that women are heard more than men, and the male norms still makes the topic more taboo for men than for women.

  14. I have the opposite problem you’re probably thinking, where a bunch of people in my life want me to go to therapy and that jazz but I don’t want to

  15. Not at all. Mental health never seems to be taken serious for either gender. I’ve had my mental health issues chalked up to “it’s normal for a woman to feel that way, so you must be starting your period soon”. I’ve only had 1 dr take my concerns serious and unfortunately he retired.

  16. I think we just start to take mental health seriously. We slowly rise awareness with mental load on women in relationships but we were not fully there yet…

  17. The suicide rate for men is almost 4x as much as women’s and women get all the attention when it comes to mental health. Middle aged white men account for most suicides, males account for 70%. Why are we trying to have a conversation about women’s mental health if we can’t even address men’s mental health?

  18. For women specifically, I think it is with the only real caveat that i can think of being post-partum needs (especially psychosis).

    The stigma of going to therapy has greatly declined over the last few years imo, medication is dolled out probably too frequently imo but I’m glad that people that need medication are able to get it more easily, we have a suicide 988# now in the US which i think shows a lot of progress.

    There still needs to be a lot of research done on hormonal changes, mental health and how best to help women emotionally, but I think it has come a long way in the last decade and that it is being taken much more seriously.

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