I saw a scene in one of American movies, the characters were eating the biggest burgers. that I never saw in real life since I was born. Size 134 Pounds.

  1. There are restaurants in America that sell really large burgers. That being said, movies tend to exaggerate things, to make them more exciting. Not everyone is eating massive burgers all the time.

  2. Yes we do. Some restaurants even do competitions to see who can eat the biggest burger. The winner usually has their picture put up on the wall.

  3. A couple of times a month(or more) I go to the local butcher shop(not the big grocery stores) for freshly ground hamburger. At home I get out my scale and weigh out 1/2 pound for each patty. I either fry them in the skillet or cook them on the grill. Topped with cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce, mayo, ketchup and pickles. Usual sides are baked beans and potato salad (or just potato chips)

  4. Define big? Typical size is a 1/2 pound at a restaurant that isn’t fast food. Those are usually 1/4. Half pound is big but not huuuge. It’s a good portion but not crazy unless you’re doing that every day.

  5. It’s not an everyday thing. Most aren’t that huge. Though there is the occasional restaurant that makes giant 1lb burgers, like one close to me. I cut the burger into quarters so I have leftovers lol.

  6. Most people never do, and are as shocked and awed as you were by the sight of such monstrosities.

    I did it once. The ‘Triple King’ at the famous L.A. burger chain Fatburger. (Yes, I know. That name.) Back in the day if you could finish it, they’d take your picture with a Polaroid camera and stick it on the wall. It is nearly half a kilogram of beef, and that’s *just* the beef all by its lonesome. You pretty much have to unhinge your jaw like a boa constrictor and approach it from an angle.

    Me and my friend did this and we were victorious. And as we were walking back to his car, we both thought we were going to drop dead of fucking heart attacks halfway across the parking lot.

    “We are never doing this again” he wheezed.

    “Agreed”, I said.

  7. Every person who claims to be a “cook” loves making super thick homemade burgers for some reason, and I absolutely hate them.

  8. >the biggest burgers. that I never saw in real life since I was born.

    This needs a comparison or reference for size. We don’t know how big are the burgers you usually see or eat.

    Also, yes. Many Americans do occasionally eat enormous burgers and other foods. *Man v. Food* was a whole show about food challenges.

  9. It would be physically impossible to eat a 134 pound burger. As far as I can recall, the largest burger that I ever saw in a restaurant was 5 lbs and it was intended for multiple people.

    Most burgers are less than a pound of meat, but laden with other things. Onions, tomatoes, bacon, cheese, avocado, an egg…you name it.

  10. Most people here saw you say 134 pounds and assumed you were talking about yourself. So that should tell you how rare it is to eat a burger like that.

    The 1/4 pound or 1/3 pound is the usually the most common, and those are plenty filling, especially with a side. I’d probably struggle really hard to finish a 1 pound burger and I’m a bigger guy.

  11. Ridiculously big ones? No. Only time I’ve ever seen that is in some type of competition or challenge at a restaurant but I’ve seen that on TV only. Never been at a restaurant that has burgers and has some type of competition like that.

  12. 134 pounds? You’re talking about a novelty item, this is on the menu to draw attention. You do realize 134 pounds is like, the size of a woman?

    Your average restaurant hamburger is between 4-8 ounces.

  13. Once in a great while? I personally get annoyed if it’s so tall I can’t figure out how to take a bite without toppings sliding out everywhere. So I just stick to one or two pattys.

    I’m not sure who’s eating a 134 lb burger though without splitting it with a small village.

  14. Most Burgers are between 1/8 pound and 1/2 pound pre cook weight. Things like the 134 pound burger are gimmicks to get into record books.

  15. Wait, do you mean you’re 134 pounds, or the burger? If you mean the burger, no that’s not normal in the slightest.

  16. Pretty sure the largest burger meal I ever ate was the quadruple bypass burger from Heart Attack Grill in Phoenix.

    The 9,982-kilocalorie Quadruple Bypass Burger consists of four half-pound beef patties, twenty strips of bacon, eight slices of American cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion served in a bun coated with lard.

    I managed that, a side of fries, and their Chocolate Milk Shake in a single sitting. 10/10 would eat again. But not very often. Amazing dish, but it was a lot for one sitting.

  17. That actually the only food we eat over here. Breakfast lunch and dinner have a different 134 pound burger. It’s exhausting and time consuming but we don’t know any better

  18. I do. Like maybe once or twice a month I’ll get a 5 Guys cheesburger or something. Sometimes you just want a greasy and salty delicious burger.

    Just like sometimes I want a PBJ or a beer or Chinese.

    Those super big burgers are just marketing gimmicks.

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