So me and my boyfriend broke up in very bad terms last year. After 6 months we started talking again and tried to have a new beginning. Then there were no changes in his behaviour. He told me that he will respect my boundaries but didnt. He kept doing things which was hurting me. He wanted to be with me but he wasnt making any changes again. He wasnt texting me properly, in one month he didnt call me even once.

I wanted to know if he really wanted to be with me.
So yesterday i told him, i met someone else and we are officially dating.
Now he started saying that he miss me, that he thought i would wait for him.
He wasnt even talking with me properly before this, never made it clear what he wanted, didnt even communicated his feelings for me.
Then later sent me a message that he is happy for me and he is thankful that i motivated him in his life and studies.

Should i tell him the truth?
Or is he trying to just emotionally manipulate me to get back to him?

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