Women who love their job- what do you do and why do you love it?

  1. I’m a journalist and podcaster whose work focuses on sex/sexuality.

    I love it because I get to make media about topics that interest me, (usually) on my own schedule.

  2. I’m a quality designer for a video game studio. I’m getting to combine my skills with quality assurance and software development management with being creative, especially with an art form I’ve been passionate about my entire life.

  3. I’m a specialist bookseller and my bookshop is an esoteric one called Watkins Books, in London, UK. I love my job to bits as I love spirituality and there’s always something to find out about! I also love helping people in need and browsing rare titles, which is something that I get to do every day. I love taking care of the books and rare, fabulous statues from Buddhism and Hinduism. I fall in love with a new subject at least once a month. I love that my magical bookshop is literally surrounded by museums and other cool shops, so when I have my break I get to see all this. And my colleagues… they’re my friends and family and I cherish them so much!

  4. Insurance clerk and I love it because of its flexibility. Fully wfh, no “set” hours and if I work 5 hours on a Saturday the company “give” me 5 free hours meaning I only need to work 25 hours for the rest of the week but get paid for 35 🙂
    Rather than fitting my life around work, I get to fit work around my life 🙂

  5. I did love my job many moons ago but I haven’t had one in a while. Following for ideas 😏

  6. I work in finance and HR for a charity!

    It sounds a little dull but the two things together mean varied days, I get to chat to coworkers but am mostly in my office (easier to focus), I am proud of what the organisation does, and I am paid fairly with regular raises in line with inflation.

  7. I’m an accountant for a non-profit. The biggest benefit is probably the flexible schedule. I love that I’m able to set my own pace, decide what I want to work on and when, as long as everything gets finished.

    I also believe in the foundations mission and its really rewarding seeing the end result of all the work we do. Crying isn’t normally a plus when it comes to your job but crying because something has touched your heart is different, and that happens a lot for me!

  8. I’m a subrogation adjuster for an insurance company and I love it because I get to work from home and just review and input data all day. I rarely have to talk to anyone or go into the office and as a huge introvert, it’s just heaven for me.

  9. I’m a social worker in healthcare. I love helping kids and families and connecting them with services.

  10. Im an accounting assistant. I have a lot of work, but not too much. I’m paid well, work at home three days a week, and have none of the stress my boss does.

  11. I’m a paralegal for a legal services non-profit. I’ve been in the legal field for 25 years and I’m finally making a large salary with a shit ton of benefits. I love the work, and I’m compensated beyond my wildest dreams. I am a very happy lady!

  12. I work as an admin at a water testing company. I love it because I’m not doing manual labor like I did at my last job. I’ve always had a huge passion for water resources and I’m so grateful I can help people out when it comes to water problems. The people I work with are great and the company does a great job of taking care of its employees.

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