I barely know anyone here and at times it gets lonely.

I was wondering how did you guys build your social circle as someone who didn’t have any connections in the city? If I want to go for a movie, I don’t have anyone to go with. I don’t have anyone to hangout on weekends 🙁

  1. I was New to a City in a country I didnt know the Language. I went to a class to learn the Language and was able to build a circle of friends there.

    A Language School might not be the right fit for you but any class or group can help with it.

    Learning a New skill, Sport or a group to play games or meditate with.

    There’s an App called meetup where you can find Events aswell.

  2. Volunteer.

    Join a gym.

    Visit every coffee shop within 20 miles, order a plain drip coffee, sit down and stay for 20 minutes.

    Learn to play a new sport, find pickup games in your area.

  3. Go alone. Start going out alone and you’ll meet people. Start new activities you like too, you’ll find people interested in the same things as you

  4. I became a volunteer firefighter at my city. This worked wonders in getting a social cirle!

  5. Join a league.

    Next town over from me has adult wiffle ball, kickball, volleyball, dodgeball, etc. It’s all sponsored by a bar, hoping you’ll go hang at the bar afterward. It’s genius marketing/advertising. The bar is packed on Tuesday and Wednesday after the leagues are done, and it’s a cool way to meet people.

  6. Sports are a great way to do it because it’s always in the schedule, you’re getting in better shape, and the camaraderie of winning games/matches with the boys is always fun

    Depending on where you live, check out local bars and coffee shops – ask the bartenders and baristas

    Do you have a genre of music that you like? Check out smaller venues with lesser known artists and maybe get into a scene that way

    Did you move for work? You can always start at the office – some of my best friends are guys that I worked with over the last 10 years or so.

    If you’re “good” at dating, you can start there, just go out with a few women and see if they have friend groups that you can hang out with here and there (although I wouldn’t rely on this)

  7. I found my people over time at a regular karaoke night. The spot is a bit of a thing and it’s a lot of musicians who come out to have fun and we all bonded over that. Now I’m in two bands, playing a show next week with friends from the bar who are in their own band and got us on their ticket.

    Basically, find an activity you enjoy and try to bond with other people doing that activity.

  8. introduce myself to my neighbors and be respectful towards them….even if they don’t reciprocate that shit goes a long way….

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