Trying to beat my social anxiety by forcing my self to go to social events and interacting. I came a long way, had a lot of awkward moments but I can see my self improving slowly.

However all tho now I am more comfortable in social settings, the main problem I have is when I get home I am always over analyzing every single moment of the event. Trying to find if this scenario was weird or awkward, or how I stuttered while talking with my boss (I have a stuttering issue when I get anxious), how can I stop giving a fuck?

1 comment
  1. I’m glad you are pushing yourself and seeing improvement.

    This is actually harder to change than most people realize.

    The issue isn’t the reminiscing of the interaction. Without this, we would not notice our own flaws, grow as people, and find better ways to communicate.

    BUT – the issue is the weight you apply to others’ perspectives of you. You said something dumb? Oh well! You learned it was dumb and can adjust yourself in the future. No worry.

    “Oh, but.. but reddit, what if they didn’t like me?”

    So what!? Not everyone will. For reasons you can NEVER EXPLAIN. Someone might think you look nicer than them, so they hold contemptment, or maybe you remind them of someone from the past, or maybe they are just having a bad day.

    In the end, we all die so nothing truly matters here. That’s the beauty of it all.

    Be a good person, hold kindness in your heart, and share it. Accidents or mistakes can be apologized for. Everyone can feel nervous or weird at times but if you can be honest about it and shake it off, that is huge!

    “I was anxious talking to my boss”. Awesome. Acknowledge it, ask yourself why, and ask what would happen if he found that out. What would happen if he know you were a little anxious? probably NOTHING, but a deeper understanding of eachother.

    This is just a surface level comment here, there is alot that goes into rebuilding your perspective. Don’t give up.

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