Can also mean stupid pranks and stuff!

  1. My relationship with my siblings was more neglect than abuse. I was the youngest, non athletic, so I didn’t fit in well. I did my own thing.

  2. The only way I disrespected my older brothers was by nagging them about not allowing me to play their PCs)

    One of my cousins, on the other hand.. hohoho. He is 6 years older than me, and he had a weird habit of trying to drag me around, lock me up, restrain me.. and I, being the little shit I used to be, started kicking him in the nuts and calling him names every time he tried to do so.

  3. I used to make fun of him because he was introverted and a bit weird. He’s that kid who’d do T poses every now and then and I found that annoying. I was the older brother, and I used to give him shit because I thought I was better than him.

    I was somehow lucky enough to be part of the star section from elementary to highschool, while my brother didn’t have the opportunity because my mom didn’t trust him enough to pass the exams. I made in into the honor rolls easily, while he struggled academically. It was really unfair for him growing up because my mom loved to compare myself to him, and I guess he developed that sort of complex that he was the inferior brother. It didn’t help that I was an asshole too and loathed his antics.

    After a while, we barely spoke. Which was weird because we lived in the same house and saw each other all the time. We used to be close too, when we were still kids. I used to hug him and it wouldn’t feel weird. But now it feels awkward.

    That changed though after I reached a certain age and realized how immature I was. I think I was 16 when I started to acknowledge him. I learned that he actually had dreams and aspirations, and he wasn’t that good-for-nothing doofus that I thought he was back then. I think my wake-up call was when we got into a fight and I put him in a chokehold because he kept pressuring me to download this one Fallout 4 mod and I wasn’t having it because I was too lazy.

    Seeing him cry like that hurt me. It was the first time I saw him cry that bad. And I felt ashamed at what I did. The part that hurt me the most was when he told me that he wished I’d just die, after I came home drunk from a party and climbing up the bunkbed. He was really pissed at me, and I can understand why after looking back at everything.

    Now, we don’t hate each other anymore. Somehow, he began opening up to me and I finally understood everything he went through. And I started telling the same thing to my mom about how she should stop comparing us. I went through some bullying at school too and I know how it feels like. It was hell. I realized I wasn’t as smart and better as I thought I was when I actually got into the real world and was humbled. And I guess I let that anger go to my brother because the truth is, he’s way better than me.

    He’s physically more attractive than me, he can play the guitar better than I could, and unlike me, he actually knows how to dedicate himself to one thing. Like, if he wants to master this one song, he’d do it in a week. While I struggle with depression and anxiety and have this responsibility to shoulder because I’m the older brother and I should know what I’m doing because my dad died and everyone’s depending on me.

    It was a tough pill to swallow. I had a self reflection and realized my brother had potential. We just didn’t see it. Now, I support him in everything he does. If mom says he can’t do this certain thing, I tell her that he can and he needs to believe in him more. He and I are close now. We talk a lot. I’m in college and he’s in highschool. He still T-poses a lot, but this time, I T-pose along with him. He would cite memes and I’d do the same and sometimes we’d laugh at how weird our interactions are. Occasionally, he’d send me pictures of ours dogs and other weird shit. I changed his name to my phone into breadboy because it’s some sort of inside joke that we had.

    I could never bring back the things I did, but I try little by little to make sure that I make up for it.

    It’s hard for me to say it to him in real life, but I’m proud of him. And I think – no, I KNOW – he can do great things. And even if a lot of people doubted him, I still believe in him. Because he’s a better brother than I ever was. A better man too. I still don’t hug him though. I guess that’s just your typical sibling awkwardness. But I’m proud to say that he’s my brother.

  4. I’m seven years younger than my brother, so the torment was pretty much one way until I was fifteen. I fought back hard, hard enough to bloody his nose, and he never tried anything again. We don’t really talk much except at reunions.

  5. One time I showed my little sister Scary Maze (some of you may remember that simple Flash game). 15 years later she’s still dealing with issues because of it.

    DON’T scare the hell out of little children. This moment of laugh isn’t worth it.

  6. My older brother and I (6 years apart) fucked with each other alllllll the time.

    I “accidentally” deleted his almost finished banjo kazooie save file when he pissed me off.

    He played a game with me called “dodge the rock” where he would just throw rocks at me in the backyard.

    One time when we were older I started to steal and stash all his lighters. Since he was usually stoned he though he was just misplacing them. After stealing all his lighters for like a month I finally gave them all back and he thought it was the funniest thing that has ever happened. It was probably like 20 lighters or so.

    We got back at each other by fucking each others exes one time. We still never bring it up lol.

  7. Youngest child, thus the target of physical abuse of one brother, mental fuckery from another, and ignored by a third.

    I haven’t talked to any of them in well over a decade.

  8. We literally attacked each other out of nowhere. For context him and I both did and still do martial arts so it was always the question who taps out.

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