What do you think of absurdly deep voices? Would you consider it off putting?

  1. I wouldn’t consider it off putting. Someone’s voice would never be a deal breaker for me.

  2. Depends on who’s mouth they come out of, really:

    Big bulky, muscly person- I kinda figured.

    Average sized person- Ok. Wasn’t expecting that…

    Skinny stick of a person- Excuse me, WTF? HOW?

    If it’s a woman, though, it generally makes me do a double take- no matter what their build is. I don’t usually expect that. Depends on the person, I guess? I know one built guy that has a baritone voice, nice and deep. But only when he’s relaxed or confident. Normally, he speaks like a mouse all of the time, because he grew up with people accusing him of being a jerk just because of the way his voice sounds.

  3. I like em. There are a few acapella bands that I really like and I have deep respect for the amazing things the base singers of these bands can do. They also just have really nice speaking voices.

  4. No, they’re sexy. There was a guy in one of my college classes who had an “absurdly deep voice” and he was giving a presentation one day. His voice was so deep and he was projecting and I could feel it vibrate in my chest. Off the chart sexiness. Lol.

  5. Umm I thought it was well known many like deep voices. Or at the very least not find it off putting, not sure why it would be

  6. Nothing. They likely fall in the range where my hearing is least acute, so I may have some difficulty understanding them at times. Beyond that, it’s not really meaningful to me.

  7. I like deep voices. But sometimes when they’re too deep. I don’t understand what they’re saying. 😂😂

  8. They’re nothing special but I have a choir/singing background so I got accustomed to them long ago.

  9. They annoy me because I sometimes can’t hear them as well as I used to. My age-related hearing loss is noticeable in the extreme ranges.

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