My anxiety tends to run away with me at the best of times since I have panic disorder – and the soonest appointment they gave me is Thursday afternoon.

So I just wanted to get a general idea of peoples experiences when getting a call back regarding STI’s. In the past with a different doctor they just called me and told me one was positive and to come in and pick up the antibiotics. My understanding is they want to tell you asap not make an appointment for later. Since I got general blood work it could be something to do with that instead – I called and asked if they can tell me what it’s regarding but the assistant was very vague and said the doctor just requested an appointment be made.

So what do you guys think/what are your past experiences – what are the chances they would wait to tell me ? Cause now I’m sweatin and freaking out – just need to know if it’s “warranted”!

Thanks in advance

  1. Generally yes, unless it’s something more serious like HIV for example. Then they tend to book a personal meeting and go through everything step by step.

    Probably not in your case though I wouldn’t worry.

  2. Stop freaking out. What you’re dealing with is the lovely system. No one says anything over the phone anymore unless you’re actually speaking to the Dr and that rarely happens anymore. Chances are the person you talked to had no idea who you were, what test you were talking about, what the results were, etc.. They were literally probably handed a list of people to make appointments for and their phone numbers. I’m surprised you weren’t sent an email frankly.

    In any event, you said general bloodwork so chances are it’s that. High sodium, stop salting your food. Hi trigycerides, lay off the soda. Or maybe they got some results that made no sense so they want to re-check to form a baseline. It could literally be anything, and stressing about it serves no purpose.

  3. I wouldn’t worry too much. Routine blood tests give you lots of numbers with acronyms so unless you’re a doctor it can be hard to interpret the results. It’s quite likely it’s just to go over the result and explain them to you.

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