Hello men of Reddit!

I’m a young man looking for some advice about dancing. I’ve been with my lady for most our lives (Mid 20s, 9 years and going), and we generally aren’t partiers so I never really learned on the fly.

I want to learn to dance with her properly, but without her knowing I’m learning. I know a dance class is the obvious choice, but I’m just curious if anyone took another approach?

I’d at least like to do my homework before I try a class, but I’m a bit clueless with dancing so I can’t tell the good from the bad online.

Our future is on my mind, and if I’m lucky enough to share a first dance with her, I’d like to at least know enough to not embarrass her!

  1. I learnt waltz at my P.E. class back in elementary.

    We also did quadrille when ending high school.

  2. I took lessons with my fiance before our wedding so we could do an actual dance instead of standing close and shuffling around

  3. >we generally aren’t partiers so I never really learned on the fly

    don’t feel bad. nobody else learned that way either. most people suck at dancing unless they get instruction, unless you consider raising the roof or the macarena dancing…i guess it is, technically….

    what are you looking to do? ballroom? modern?

    to each their own, but there aren’t many occasions to dance the waltz or the foxtrot these days.

  4. if all you wanna do is get thru a wedding dance then i would just take a waltz class. you don’t even need a class for that tbh but one class and you’d be good.

    if you want to actually dance for fun then i would do a couple things. one is pick a few little dance moves on youtube to learn. i mean simple stuff like one move. stuff that’s silly and fun. i would also take a dance class of some type to mix it up. they can be a little frustrating tbh so don’t let it put you off. and i would go out and dance. idk where you are located it there’s gotta be someplace that has a decent vibe. somewhere with house music or something.

  5. Depends what kind of dancing you want to do. If it’s something more traditional then get to classes, if you just want to dance with each other in a club then go to a club and look like a tit for a bit while you work on your moves. I’d wager that’s what the rest of us did, it’s certainly true for me.

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