What’s the worst way you have ever broken off a relationship/ situationship?

  1. I didn’t break it off, but she did. I was homeless and living at her place temporarily. In the middle of sex she pushed me off of her and said “Just get off me. You’re a loser and going nowhere in life. I want you out by the end of the week.”

    That shit HURT, bro.

  2. I was in high school. Found out this other girl liked me and wanted to date her instead. Called my current girlfriend, she didn’t answer the phone so I left a voicemail breaking up with her. Asked out the other girl the very next morning. I was an ass I know

  3. I was a teen who didn’t know how to break up and a girl had told me she loved me the night before. Spent an hour telling me to “just try it” and how much she thought of me. We made out a bit and I went home. I had second thoughts about actuly being attracted to her and if we had anything in common or was I just taking anyone who would have me. When she called the next day I said I was drunk and did not rememebr agreeing to be her boyfriend so I was not. She was devastated.

    I still feel really about it.

  4. Over the phone. I’m sorry. She lived very far away and I just wanted it to be over with. It’s terrible

  5. she broke it off. she said it wasn’t because of me, but that she wasn’t in the best spot she could be in. it hurt. she said it’s not me many times. but all i can really do at some points is blame myself

  6. she threatened to kill herself on the phone. told her thats her problem not mine and blocked her… i was a massive dick in highschool

  7. Had a friend in middle school do it. He told her in gym class and ran away. Said she started calling immediately and when I saw her later in the halls we just walked past each other without making eye contact. Her face was so red and I felt so bad about what I did. Still feel bad about that one, but we are friends now in our adult life.

  8. Ugh, l I sent her a “Dear Jane” email a week before she was going to come visit because I found someone local who was hotter. I’m sorry, Erica. I hope you had an awesome life.

  9. Early junior high I asked out a girl that I didn’t exactly want to be with and when I broke it off I told her that I asked her out because I was testing her to see if she was ready to date. I felt so terrible for so long

  10. She had cooked me breakfast and was being super sweet that morning. I went ahead and broke it off with her anyway since I had met a super awesome girl a couple night before. Neither worked out but hey that’s life. Breakfast was good though.

  11. Text message in piss, she was properly in to me and I couldn’t bring myself to do it face to face and see how it would hurt her. Feel like a right coward to this day.

  12. Ended it over the phone with a batshit crazy ex. Was afraid she’d wreck my place.

  13. I broke a glass of Chopp in my boyfriend’s head. It made a large scar. I know it was wrong hitting him, but I do not regret after what he did to me, three years cheating on me, abused me emotionally to the point of I cutting myself several times and even trying to commit suicide three times.

  14. FWB situation after I got out of a longterm relationship. I guess she saw a used condom in my trash, from a different girl. The next morning after we had sex she asked me about. I stood up told her I think it’s best if we go back to being friends, and left.

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