I feel responsible for my brother. I’m 20 and my brother is 15 and he has digeorge syndrome. He mainly has learning difficulties and my parents haven’t attempted to educate him academically or life in general due to the condition. I understand their perspective, but I do think they have given up on educating him and I’m very worried he’s solely consuming and learning from social media and his friends, which I believe will be very problematic for him in the future. I’ve been very harsh on him I can admit, I’ve attempted to educate him and motivate him in any way possible but my families approach is clearly overwhelming my attempts. I’m not sure if I’m completely wrong in what I think or want to happen in his development, but I’m very concerned on what to do to make sure he doesn’t face the consequences of how we’ve all brought him up. Can anyone give any advice please?

TL;DR brother has severe learning difficulties and I don’t know what approach to take.

  1. Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear about the situation you and your brother are in. It sounds like you’re very concerned about his development and future, and I think it’s great that you are trying to help him in any way you can.

    It’s important to remember that your brother’s condition is not your responsibility and you can’t make up for what your parents haven’t done. However, you can still be an important resource for him and make sure he gets the support and education he needs.

    I would suggest speaking to an educator or specialist who has experience with Digeorge Syndrome and learning disabilities. They can give you advice on how to approach your brother’s education and how to best support him.

    You can also look into local support groups or organizations that provide resources and activities for people with learning disabilities. These can be great ways for your brother to connect with other people and build up skills.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

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