I (14M), as the title says, have a bit of trouble when it comes to talking with friends, especially when it’s one-on-one with another friend. I’m not sure why it is like this, but it’s usually because I don’t know what to say. They usually have a lot to say about their weekends, about what’s going on in their life, etc. I have some hobbies, like playing bass guitar, but I don’t think they’d find the details of that interesting. It also seems that the things they talk about aren’t things that I’m as familiar with as they are. I offer my opinion on those topics, but again, it’s not much. It just seems so much more natural for them to talk freely with friends, and I feel like there’s a limit on how connected I can be with a person due to this. Any advice on what to do here?

1 comment
  1. Worry less, man. Everyone is worried about trying to fit in.

    What you say doesn’t really matter. It’s how you say things. If you are genuinely trying to make a connection, people will notice.

    You mention that people often talk about things you aren’t interested in, but then share a fear of talking about your passion, guitar, for fear of not being interesting.

    The best thing you can do is let go a little and say whatever comes to mind, a good conversation about guitar doesn’t need to be between two musicians, you can find commonalities in music taste, bands, songs, etc.

    Also, you will not meet people who love playing guitar if you don’t talk about it! You never know who else is hiding their love for music out of fear. So be that person who makes people feel comfortable, allow people to share and you will get that opportunity in return.

    If you are not given that fairness, seek another person to talk to.

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