I (31 m) and my fiancé (29f) had a somewhat good relationship (or so I thought) I loved her she loved me.

Well overtime she started acting suspicious staying at work longer that she is supposed started taking extra shifts.

Would claim to visit friends and more bullshit. Well anyways Today I woke up at 9:50 am to get ready for work I do work from home also.

Well anyways when I got on my work computer it’s signed into her email as soon as I open it. I notice an email from her boss stating that he would cashapp her from her last visit and that he couldn’t wait to fuck her again.

I couldn’t belive what I was seeing I feel like my world is over. I haven’t confronted her yet but definitely do plan on doing it.

  1. To be honest, this is so absurd that I have to assume you’re trolling.

    Cheaters might be careless, but signing into personal email accounts let alone leaving them open on their partner’s work laptop no less just doesn’t happen.

    You’re then not just talking about an affair but essentially that your fiancé is a prostitute.

    If on the off chance this is real, confronting her really isn’t necessary. You know the facts.

  2. Get a paternity test done now – in fact demand one.

    They can be done by a simple blood test that both partners provide and then the lab can match up the DNA to what is in the mothers system. If the baby is not yours then the DNA from the actual father will be present.

    It’s a simple test and takes about a week to get the results.

    In the meantime, look to see if one of you can move out whilst you deal with whether you wish to reconcile with her or not.

    I’d highly suggest not but that depends on you.

  3. Damnnnnn… sorry to hear it.

    Screenshot everything. Forward the email to yourself.

    Good luck getting untangled from this.

  4. Take screenshots as evidence… And yeah, paternity test on the baby. Sorry this happened. What a crazy ordeal.

  5. Your wife’s boss pays her to have sex?

    Listen man, she is cheating on you. She will probably try to gaslight you when you bring it up.

    Do YOU think this is salvageable? Seems unlikely from here.

  6. Get a DNA test and hope it is not yours. So you can completly cut her out of your life

  7. Screenshot it.

    This could be evidence of prostitution, which might be illegal where you live.

    Then kick her chew arse out. Pack her shit in rubbish bags and leave it on the front doorstep.

    Demand a paternity test

    Get an STD test done

    Then make sure all your family, all her family and all your mutual friends know what she has done.

    Depending on what work she does, and what the company policies are on inter staff relationships also tell her work what has happened.

    As if she is in a national or international company it is likely that one or both of them will loose their jobs because of it (regardless of if they allow relationships between staff, most of them do not allow a manager and staff member under their control to have a relationship)

    Essentially go as close to nuclear as possible and ruin her life.

  8. Dont confront… Safe the evidence and report them to HR. And send a report to the police for prostitution

  9. Sorry if this really happened but a pregnant fiancé willing to cheat says a lot about your relationship.

  10. I’m so sorry mate… get screenshots of everything and save them online where she can’t get to them.

    Change any of your passwords and remove her from any of your personal devices, finances etc.

    DO NOT Marry her. Find out if he is married/has a girlfriend and give her the screenshots of the affair.

    Good luck

  11. DNA test man. Could be the bosses kid.

    Cut your losses with her, and be there for the kid, if it’s yours.

    Before you think about working things out with her, just remember…
    The bosses thingy slipped out, and she put it back inside.

    That should be enough motivation for you to call it quits

  12. Forward emails to your email. Print them then lay them on her belongings stacked up nicely by the front door. Then tell her she is a basketball, “Time to bounce bitch!”

  13. Tell her mom, tell your mom. Tell everybody.

    Kick her out.

    Have a paternity test and std test.

    Keep all the proof and printscreens.

    Call alawyer and a therapist.

    Don’t accept any second d chance unless she has an abortion. She has defile the baby. Adoption won’t do. His life is already fuck up. He doesn’t have to pay for her. She had to pay for him.

    Accept that you sadness is anger.

  14. Send all of their emails to yourself and call a lawyer immediately. Before you do anything else, get copies of those emails and then speak with a lawyer.

  15. Seems like you have evidence of prostitution if you want to go nuclear. Hope you saved the email somewhere.

    Good thing you aren’t married yet.

  16. Complete comment edit since I though you were married already, misread.

    Good thing you aren’t married yet. Definitely get a DNA test asap and get a sti/std done asap and again in 6 months. Least you found out before marrying her.

  17. So obviously wedding is off, and get a paternity test. If they’re cheating while engaged, which is usually one of the most exciting and romantic times in a relationship, then what are they going to do five, ten years down the line?

  18. I would pack her shit leave it out in the yard with a copy of the email stapled to her favorite pair of lingerie. Tell all family and friends why the engagement is off. Cut all communication with her. Get a std test. If boss is married send a copy of email to bosses spouse. Contact her works HR. Show them the email and see if they have a non fraternization policy. If so someone can be fired.

  19. Time for a parternity test before you support or recognize that kid. And for a wedding cancellation

  20. Why would you marry somebody in a “somewhat good” relationship? Get a paternity test its a blood draw from mom now. Probably not yours. Kick her ass out.

  21. Is he paying her for sex?

    You need to confront her. He could be using his position of power to solicit sex. Not the first time I saw it on here.

  22. Hm, this is only technicality, but its less of affair and more of transaction. So, basically, some form of sex work.

    Anyhow, gather evidence, alert HR, request paternity test, book a lawyer and, which might help, a therapist.

    If you are in her living space, start searching for new accommodation. If she is in yours, give her a notice to move out.

    This is just insane. I’m so sorry

  23. Paternity test and talk to a lawyer immediately. This really sucks, but you need to take care of yourself and please consider this relationship over. She is not who you want to tie yourself to, that’s for sure.

  24. Do you have a mortgage together? Talk to a lawyer about a paternity test and how to either buy her or be bought out of the house or sell it.

  25. That fucking sucks man, I’m sorry. I don’t have any additional advice other than what has already been commented.

  26. Sounds like it might not be an affair if he’s sending her money. What does she do for work? Could she be escorting/sugaring on the side, or at least when the opportunity comes up?

  27. Her stuff would be in bags on the front lawn. Contact a lawyer, get the papers, get a DNA test for the kid, but it’s probably not yours and go no contact with her.

  28. Paternity test.more rhan 50% chance the baby isn’t yours. Get your financial and legal ducks in order. Std test. Lawyer up. Listen to your lawyer.

    Cheating = end of the line.

    Good luck. God’s speed.

  29. Don’t confront her until you have everything in place OP. You know and she doesn’t know that you know. Knowledge is power. Use it wisely. The very moment that you confront everything will spiral out of control.

    DNA test for the baby is an obvious. Informing the boss’s wife ? Definitely on the cards. Informing HR. Gotta be in there. But most of all. How do you physically extract yourself and ALL of your shit out of this situation. Take your time. Plan and prepare carefully. Your day is coming. And the best thing about all of the waiting is that every single time that she barefaced lies to you. You will know it and like her less and less. Good luck.

  30. Definitely don’t sign the Bc without a paternity test.

    If you are the father, contact a lawyer and work out custody and support arrangements.

    Definitely dump her

  31. People cheat. It really sucks. There’s no excuse, this was her choice and she chose to prioritize sex with her boss over your heart, your relationship, and the possibility of a family together. It’s hard to comprehend how someone we loved and trusted could be so cruel and heartless. And so stupid to destroy what we could have. But it just keeps happening every day. Someone people just don’t have enough integrity with themselves to live in integrity with others. It is what it is.

    But don’t waste your time trying to figure her out. Girl’s got issues. Don’t waste your time or energy on revenge on either of them either. The best thing you can do is just get her out of your life as cleanly and quickly as possible. Get your own place, separate accounts, divide up your stuff, thank your lucky stars you’re not married yet, get a paternity test so you know whether being a single dad will be part of your plans, and put as much time, energy, and money as you can into your own healing. Healing looks different for everyone. Therapy seems to be a favorite resource for many. There’s also dancing, hiking, gardening, painting, writing, cooking, making music, making art, and finding lots of ways to move your body. Sometimes you also just need to binge watch a silly show for 6 days straight, eating nothing but chocolate cake. Not great as a lifestyle, but healing takes many forms as it progresses. Trust your own process, let that silly fool go, enjoy your adventure in fatherhood on your own if that is what’s to be, or if it’s not yours, enjoy getting to be completely free from her.

    This isn’t your fault. You’re not stupid for trusting. She’s stupid for breaking your trust. You deserve better. She deserves what she gets, she chose this. The pain won’t last forever. You got this.

  32. Ok first find your backbone and calm down. Gather evidence. Do not sign the birth certificate until dna test is done. She is no longer your fiancé or gf. She is now on another opposing team. If you confront now she will just take it under ground.

  33. Ask for a paternity test once the child is born. Don’t take responsibility for the child until paternity is established. The relationship is over.

  34. I’m sorry OP. Get a DNA and STD test ASAP. You don’t know how long she’s been cheating and if she’s done it before or not.

    Don’t sign the birth certificate or do anything else that might be considered caring for the baby either. Move out, or make her move out, if you can. Some states can put you on the hook for child support even if you’re not the dad if you financially support the child. I’d consult with a lawyer to be safe.

    DUMP HER. Then, tell your families what she did and send screenshots of the email. Tell them that you’re officially denying paternity until the test comes back. That way, she can’t play the victim and paint you as the asshole who is abandoning his pregnant fiancé.

    Cancel the wedding. Tell the vendors, groomsmen, bridesmaids, etc. Don’t give her any excuse to stay in your life. I hope the kid isn’t yours tbh.

    I know you’re hurting, but it could be worse. You could have married her and possibly be fathering a child that’s not yours.

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