Some context about me.
All of my friends are made from work/classroom. I never actively reach out to anyone.
This year I have a new year resolution to open myself out and expand my circle for more friends and maybe first love.
I met this girl at a festival I participated in last week; we only had a brief conversation there. After that, I reached out to her online and talked with her for about 4 days.
Today I asked her out for a coffee on a later day. She rejected it for busy reasons, and when asked when she will be free, she told me she didn’t know because of her work.
From my understanding, it is a clear not-interest rejection.
I don’t think I have any crush/love toward her but because it was my first actively reaching out to another girl, it still hurt.

So how do I go on from here? Do I just drop and stop talking to her or remain limited to messages with her in the foreseeable future to naturally become friends?

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