What are your opinion of a really hypersex girl?

  1. As long as she keeps it within the boundaries of the relationship and also respects that a no is a no even within a relationship then I see no issue with it.

  2. I personally, outside of sex, just enjoy platonically spending time with people who are more sexually active/open. I’ve found they often make for better conversation and they’re less likely to judge.

  3. Chances are high it’s caused by a mental issue, unfortunately. I’ve heard too many stories about “hypersexual” women who suddenly turned into nuns because their dissociation stopped to work.

  4. Ok the majority of y’all said that its ok and even rooting for it, but what i mean hyper is HYPER, i meant like the average sex for me is 3 times a day and usually thats why all of my exes couldn’t meet my needs, so is it really a me problem? Should i be concern?

  5. As long as she is monogamous it’s good. I have an extremely high sex drive though

  6. Hypersexuality, as in a proper disability, doesnt make someone less desirable to me and it doesnt reduce them to just being useful for sex. As long as shes comfortable talking about it honestly so we can figure out how best to handle it, it shouldnt be an issue.

  7. Since “hypersexual” doesn’t at all mean that they’re actually good at sex and it often comes with a lot of crazy, I’d be wary at this point.

  8. As a young adult (mid twenties), with several sexual partners, i have met one girl that desired more than my needs (which are already high wanting 3-5 times a day). I could keep up with her for 3 months and after that i was just completely depleted. And i didnt want to have sex for quite some time….

  9. IME the “hyper” part eventually leads to cheating. If every day all day your girl is just gritting her teeth wanting to have sex there’s just almost 100% chance you’ll be cheated on. The rebuttal would be like “well you didn’t communicate and this guy met my needs, so it’s not really my fault” it’s not everyone, but it’s happened a time or a dozen.

  10. I just have to say that yes the girl might be really oversexed OR she is just acting that way to be a “perfect girlfriend”

    Look I have to say from personal experience I acting like I wanted to have sex multiple times a day when I was younger. I would for example right before leaving some where like the movies kiss my man and get down on my knees and give him a BJ tell he came then I would get up and tell him I’ll meet him at the car, do some mouthwash/brush teeth and we would be on our marry way. I wanted to make him happy and I wanted to be the girl he could brag about with his friends I loved being that girl it even turned me on a bit. I had sex even when I wasn’t in the mood and I faked it ALOT because even though I tried to tell my boyfriend very gentle so I wouldn’t ruin his ego how he should do something he wouldn’t listen.

  11. My hubby absolutely loves it.

    Means I’m *always* in the mood and for *anything*

  12. Hypersex, meaning sex addiction? Nothing good, if that is what we’re talking about.

  13. I’ve had to deal with my own hypersexuality as a result of childhood trauma. I’m not sure if you are referring to a woman who is sexually free/liberated and likes having sex, or to a woman who is genuinely hyper sexual.

    Hypersexuality is a way of coping with incredible sexual trauma, and it is often a way individuals try to regain control of their sexuality. If you think you might be hypersexual I would highly recommend seeing a therapist, because at some point the sex will stop helping and you will feel much much worse than before

    but if you just mean to refer to someone who likes sex and is having lots of it in a healthy way, fuck it who are we to tell her otherwise

  14. Hypersex girl? What is that? A girl who has sex hyped up on caffeine? A girl who has sex in hyperspace? A girl who has sex that is digitally linked to something else?

    But seriously. Having an abundant sex drive (and I’m guessing when you say “hypersex girl” what you mean is just a young woman with a high sex drive, not a girl that is actually hypersexual, which is a clinical disorder where sex drive is excessive) is fine for anyone, regardless of gender, as long as it doesn’t become an uncontrollable obsession that interferes with normal functioning (the aforementioned “hypersexuality”). If anything in your life, sexual or not becomes excessive and/or detrimental then you should get help. If it doesn’t affect anything negatively then you’re fine.

  15. You will find men love sex positive women. The problem lies when she has had a ton of partners and/or a history of infedility

  16. If we’re talking true hypersexuality, I’ll assume there’s something wrong that causes it. And if I don’t know her particularly well, so have no emotional connection, I would keep my distance. No need to make my own life more difficult and add drama.

  17. Just broke up with mine last night. She wants sex every night. When i say no, then she thinks we should make out before bedtime. Every. Single. Night.

  18. Dated one, cheated on me for 2 months and found out shortly later she cheated on almost every other partner she’s ever had.

  19. Mostly just checking to see if my boyfriend commented here….I am hypersex girl

  20. Annoying AF. Just want her to chill out and let it be a little more organic. Men cannot perform on demand 24/7 it’s feckin exhausted.

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