Why do Americans make fun of people from Alabama?

  1. We make fun of people from every state, you should see how hard we go in on Florida, Texas, California, West Virginia, and New Jersey to name a few. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re not safe

  2. I think most states get made fun of for things. I can think of plenty of jokes people make about people from Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, California.

    Fact is there’s a lot of good and some bad in every state.

  3. It’s one of the poorest and least developed states, so it gets some flak. Luckily for Alabamans, they can deflect it onto Mississippi for being even poorer and less developed

  4. Who do you think is the least made fun of State? Delaware gets plenty of shit for people forgetting about it. Maybe New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Montana even?

  5. People make fun of all kinds of states for various reasons.

    Usually it’s in jest. People who are serious are usually jerks who just like to trash sweeping populations of people.

    I’ve enjoyed my time in Alabama. I used to go to Auburn on the weekend when I was stationed in Georgia.

  6. Idk if this counts as making fun of them, but I do find it fun to shout roll tide with a southern accent with 0 context

  7. Think of the USA as a 50 family members. We talk crap about our weird liberal cousin (California), Our dumb uncle who was dropped on his head as a kid (Alabama), your older brother who parties too hard and needs to take less drugs (Florida), etc etc.

    We can make fun of each other. While we have our differences we still care about each other and want the best for each other. But if some outsider comes along and pokes fun at one of us, all 50 of us get pissed and beat them down.

  8. Alabama has a rather unfortunate history that has made it a punching bag for a while. Like most southern states, it suffered from poverty and lack of development following the civil war in addition to the ills of segregation.

    Now I’m not saying we don’t have our problems here. We have *lots* of problems here. But things are getting better and it’s nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. If it was, the hoards of people from Illinois and other states wouldn’t be moving here.

    (And driving up our housing prices. *Shakes fist*)

  9. Americans have a pretty good sense of humor. It’s not just people from Alabama, we make fun of everything and everyone. We don’t even discriminate, we bust on everyone’s nut equally.

  10. There’s a pretty long history of northeastern states deflecting attention away from their problems by pointing at the southeast / gulf coast region

    This isn’t to say the south doesn’t have its problems (it absolutely does but we’re working on them IMO anyway), but it’s a lot easier to point at the gulf coast shout “racism” and ignore the fact that what the south did by law, the north did behind the scenes through redlining.

    Beyond that, the south (for a variety of reasons that aren’t always agreed upon) has always lagged behind the northeast in terms of industrial output. It isn’t until the invention of mass produced air conditioning and the post war era internal migration that many parts of the south started to move forward industrially.

    The great news is the south these days is growing rapidly. The joke has a lot less sting these days when you realize that the south and gulf coast in particular is a hotbed of American manufacturing growth including most of the space industry.

  11. Poverty levels, but realistically they aren’t much different elsewhere. The people down there are just louder, so you hear of the Idiocracy more often. In short, the American attention span. That’s why lol Alabama is about the same as most other Southern states in reality. No better or worse. You’ll see the same shit in Houston, I promise.

  12. Tbh I don’t actually feel anything like that about the actual people, it’s just a fun state to make fun of bc there are established jokes

  13. The whole dating cousins rumour, and the accent.

    I like people from Alabama personally.

  14. I have family in Alabama. They are wonderful people. I just make fun of their accent, because how can you not? 😉

  15. Lol it’s true we do. I just saw a comment on a post referring to be from Alabama because of some cousin loving 😂😂.

  16. I only visited once to Florence for a weekend. The locals were lovely. The south in general always catches shit in America for various reasons.

  17. I make fun of Alabama and I live in Alabama. We suck at many things, but hey, at least we like to deep fry everything and become obese from sweet tea I guess.

  18. Everyone makes fun of everyone here.

    Alabama is 47th in Education, 38th in the economy, 44th in economic opportunity, and 44th in public safety.

    They are #1 in Football, and you constantly hear “ROLL TIDE” every five fucking seconds.

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