You see the person with whom your partner cheated on you in a grave situation. What do you do?

  1. What do you mean when you say “grave” situation? Are they in danger of dying without immediate intervention?

  2. It completely depends on whether she knew it was cheating or not. If she didn’t, we’re both victims.

    If she did, hah, byye šŸ’•

  3. I do exactly what she did knowing my husband was marriedā€¦.she didnā€™t care that he had a wife and kids at home so I donā€™t care whatā€™s happening to her šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Not my problem to handle

  4. Donā€™t do anything unless you want to. You donā€™t owe her shit. She (partially bc ur partner is also responsible) screwed you, now sheā€™s suffering the karmic effect.

  5. If I were able to help them, I would. Just because they’re an asshole doesn’t mean I have to be an asshole, too.

  6. Grave as in she’s in danger of death or severe injury? I’m going to help if I can.

  7. I help them. Simple as that. They may have done me wrong, they may have hurt me, but ultimately, I’m not going to get any pleasure from seeing them suffer. I would live with the guilt of leaving someone in need for the rest of my life. I refuse to let other people make me too bitter to be a good person.

  8. Do you mean the partner was in a grave situation when they cheated? *(such as immense emotional distress)*

    A: I would likely wave, if only to make my partner or her uncomfortable and move on.

    Or do you mean the “other woman” is currently in a grave situation and requires help?

    A: At minimum I’d call the police, but I’m most likely help in whatever capacity I can.

  9. Unless itā€™s like Ted Cruz or something like that and they are in lethal danger I am going to help. If someoneā€™s about to step on a lego or get their heart broken, theyā€™ll live.

  10. I doubt that I’m with that partner if they cheated on me. It’s a deal breaker for me. I’d help them but not get close to them.

  11. Iā€™m not heartless, Iā€™d help them. Feelings of anger and/or resentment should be directed at the cheating partner, not the person they cheated with. Oftentimes they were lying to that person as well.

  12. I help. Itā€™s the way I was raised.

    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

  13. Help them or call for help.

    If I walk away from the situation, then whatā€™s would be difference between me and them.

  14. Help her. She didnā€™t know we were still together. Heā€™s the scumbag. She was actually perfectly lovely and reached out to me when she found out we werenā€™t actually broken up like he claimed. She felt terrible.

  15. Of course Iā€™d help her, Iā€™m not a horrible person. Then I would suggest she take an Uber back to her troll bridge.

  16. Is it a grave situation like the person going to die? I’ll call 911 or whatever.

    Is it grave like they’re wearing white pants and need a tampon? Nope. Fend for yourself.

  17. Help them. But it would look a lot like when a villain does something nice in a movie and you can tell they hate it.

    Iā€™d be helping and looking extremely unpleasant all at the same time šŸ˜…

  18. An imminent threat to her physical health or life? Help.

    A non-life-threatening situation that she got herself into with her crap life skills? Not my circus, not my monkeys.

  19. Help. Just because someone is a nasty piece of work doesn’t mean that I will follow their example.

  20. “I was scared and so full of shock I couldn’t move.”

    I would probably watch- probably too scared to do anything.

  21. Life or death/bodily harm, Iā€™d help. I probably wouldnā€™t save them from something if it was more related to social embarrassment, though (Iā€™m no saint lol).

  22. Do you mean like a life threatening situation? Then I would definitely help them. I’m not a freaking monster, no one deserves to die because they had sex with an another consenting adult.

  23. As in they will die unless I help? Obviously I’ll help them regardless of who they are. (Or, I guess there are some people out there I wouldn’t save, but they’ve done significantly worse things than cheating so)

    As in they aren’t in any risk of physical injury? Not my problem lmao

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